The DaVinci All-Electric Scissor Lift is a masterpiece of sophisticated, yet simple-to-use technology, engineered to maximize your productivity with intelligence that doesn't lead the class — it teaches it. Why DaVinci?Continue Single Lithium-ion Battery The DaVinci lift is powered by a sin... GTH ™ -1056 Specifications -1056 * Also available as Tier 3 in limited regions ** Availablity limited by region and country standards *** Weight will vary depending on options and/or country standards.*** Load ratings vary depending on attachment.Load Chart GTH -1056***...
LubricationSpecifications Pressurereliefvalveslimitthepressureinthesteercircuit Specifiedlubricants,asrecommendedbythecomponentandtherodendofeachliftcylinder.Whenthepressurein manufacturers,arealwaysthebestchoice,however,oneofthosecircuitsreachesthesetpointofthevalve,the multi-purposegreasesusuallyhavethequalitieswhichvalve...
Packing Specifications: Length (mm) 400 Width (mm) 250 Height (mm) 150 Weight (kg) 1.5 With the advantage of global resourcing and one-stop purchasing 10,000+ kinds of parts for your choose, and 200,000+ stock on warehouse If you look for one reliable suppli...
Product Catalogs Aerial Lift Circuit Board Aerial Lift Joystick Aerial Lift Control Box Parts Aerial Lift Battery Charger Aerial Lift Parts Aerial Lift Decal Aerial Lift Components Aerial Lift Motor Engine Parts Filter Kit Aerial Lift Brake Aerial Lift Hydraulics More...
The factory has 28,000 square meters producing specialist solid tires in Industrial, OTR and press on classes as well as lift platform, spongy rubber tires and rubber machinery parts. Our Advantages 1) Original manufacturer with direct factory pric...
3121139–JLGLift–1-3 SECTION1-SPECIFICATIONS Drive(Elevated):Testshouldbedoneonasmoothlevel1.8LUBRICATION surface.DriveSelectSwitchshouldbesettoHighEngine. Resultsshouldberecordedfora50ft.course.DriveFor-HydraulicOil ward,RecordTime.DriveReverse,RecordTime. Table1-13.HydraulicOil PlatformRotate:Platformlevelan...
SECTION1-SPECIFICATIONS 1.6DRIVESYSTEM1.9FUNCTIONSPEEDS Table1-6.DriveSystemTable1-9.FunctionSpeeds DriveMotor48VDC,12.5H.P.@3200rpm.continuous,FunctionSeconds rotation-reversible MainLiftUp30-24 DriveBrakeSpring-applied,hydraulicallyreleased MainLiftDown29-23 TurntableSwingRightLeft360°81-67* 1.7HYDRAULIC...
Used for JLG Scissor Lift Models 3969E, 3369E. Packing Specifications: Length (mm) 150 Width (mm) 150 Height (mm) 150 Weight (kg) 0.8 IF YOU WANT TO Ask more details Get the price list Request the discount Contact our professional sales team ...