The S&P Global Platts price assessments used to create the above chart were: LNG Japan/Korea Spot Crg DES, UK NBP Gas $/MMBtu, Dated Brent MAvg and Thermal Coal FOB Kalimantan 5900 kcal/kg GAR 90 Day $/mt. This dramatic absolute JKM...
The January JKM started at $16.25/MMBtu Monday. Most of North Asia has secured sufficient spot winter supply for January, leaving PetroChina and India's GAIL looking for one cargo each, sources said. Supply for the period increased as Indonesia's Tangguh, Nigeria LNG, Yemen LNG and Norway's...
Chart 2: Current JKM and TTF forward curves and diversion prices Source: Timera Energy The first thing to note is that the JKM curve is more seasonal than TTF. This is due to lower storage capacity in Asia versus demand, which means that Asia needs to pull on the global LNG market more...