The companies in the NEU-JKF group have been dedicated to industrial air quality for decades, providing industries around the world with the efficiency of our aeraulic solutions. The group designs, produces and markets equipment and systems for dust removal, air filtration and conditioning, pneumatic...
The companies in the NEU-JKF group have been dedicated to industrial air quality for decades, providing industries around the world with the efficiency of our aeraulic solutions. The group designs, produces and markets equipment and systems for dust removal, air filtration and conditioning, pneumatic...
JKF Group is a multidimensional company that focuses on Project Management, Construction Management and Management Consulting. Our team have expertise in fit-for-purpose and end-to-end solutions, delivering to organizations through partnership with our clients and vendors. Our operations cover: ...
JKF Group of Companies is an organization committed to its employees, customers, owners and community. We are result-oriented and customer focused company, committed to satisfy our stakeholders by providing productive environment through team work, culture and open communication methods. This profit resu...
凝聚共识 蓄力前行---集团召开2025年工作谋划会 集团领导看望慰问春节在岗职工 集团组织学习传达市委十二届八次全会暨市委经济工作会议精神 笃行实干 聚势谋远 奋力迈出高质量发展新步伐---经开集团召开2025年度工作... 凝聚共识 蓄力前行---集团召开2025年工作谋划会 集团领导...
集团要闻 Group news 2024-07-04安徽建工集团党委召开庆祝建党10... 2024-02-24安徽建工集团三届一次职代会暨20... 2025-01-25安徽建工集团开展2025年春节送... 2025-01-23安徽省住房和城乡建设厅党组成员、... 2025-01-22安徽建工集团党委召开民主生活会前... 2025-01-22建工控股党委委员、副总经理盛明...
Group Online Personal Training Sessions Book Now The SkinnY ON Walking John explains how walking can help you reach your fitness and health goals. His insights on walking were featured in a piece on the NBCNews BETTER Site. Read more about how walking can benefit you and try John's treadmill...
Our Group Career Trainings NEU-JKF Delta NEU Benelux 1 1 NEU-JKF Delta NEU Headoffice in France 1 1 Documents et ressources Brochure NEU-JKF Delta NEU Presentation Download the brochure and discover our know-how Download Customer Service Delta NEU ...
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