The exam in the Jammu division begins in February and lasts through March. The JKBOSE publishes the results of the SSC and HSC examinations in May/June. The Jammu division’s winter session date sheet, on the other hand, is available starting in December. This year, The JK Board 12th exam...
class 12th exams, the j&k board of school education (bose) declared a 79.69 percent pass rate. j&k exam dates and results the jammu and kashmir state board of school education conducts the class 10 exams and class 12 exams in two division i.e. the jammu division and the kashmir ...
JKBOSE Class 10th (SSE) and Class 12th (HSE) Date Sheet 2022-23: The Jammu and Kashmir Board of School Education has released the date sheets for the Class 10th and Class 12th exams on their official website. Read on to find the 2023 date sheets.
Earlier, theJKBOSE Kashmir division resultwas published on February 16, 2022. Students can check the result online, and ensure the details mentioned are correct. The board has announcedJKBOSE 12th resultfor Jammu division on June 30, 2022. ...
Question: What is the last date of JKBOSE Class 11 exams 2021 for science stream students? Answer: The JKBOSE Class 11 exams 2021 for science stream students will conclude on January 1, 2022. Question: What is the official website of the JKBOSE to download the JKBOSE exams Class 11th time...
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