Like RS flip-flop, it has two data inputs, J and K, and an EN/clock pulse input, Note that in the following circuit diagram NAND gates are used instead of NOR gates. It has no undefined states, however. The basic fundamental difference of this device is feedback paths to the AND ...
An alternative way to implement the basic JK flip-flop circuit is using twoAND gatesand twoNOR gatesas follows (it works exactly like the one built with NAND gates): Get Our Basic Electronic Components Guide Learn how the basic electronic components work so that circuit diagrams will start mak...
Construction of JK Flip Flop JK flip flop is nothing but an updated/modified version ofSRflip flop in which certain modifications are made to avoid the invalid state which occurred inSRflip flop. The circuit diagram of aJK Flip Flopmade usingNANDGates is shown as: ...
The problems with S-R flip flops using NOR and NAND gate is the invalid state. This problem can be overcome by using a bistable SR flip-flop that can change outputs when certain invalid states are met, regardless of the condition of either the Set or the Reset inputs. For this, a clo...
JK Flip Flop to SR Flip Flop This will be the reverse process of the above explained conversion. S and R will be the external inputs to J and K. As shown in the logic diagram below, J and K will be the outputs of the combinational circuit. Thus, the values of J and K have to...