Colors. Using colors can help a lot to figure out things without having to actually read and analyse information. Certain rows on tree can be "boxed" to have a specific background color (that extends to its children), to easily spot where you are. You can also use an highlight effect ...
and this week is designed to help you figure out where things are, and who can help you solve your transition problems. Each of you is assigned to a Dean‟s Advisor; let me ask them all to stand up: Yaw Anim BJ Ard Sipoura Barzideh Jennifer Bennett Lauren Chamblee Caroline Edsall...
Figure 1. Kakoune in i3 Figure 2. Kakoune in tmux 2. Getting started 2.1. Building Kakoune dependencies are: A C++20 compliant compiler (GCC >= 10 or clang >= 11) along with its associated C++ standard library (libstdc++ >= 10 or libc++) ...
and then you make it seem like you are the poor victim who needs 10 days off of work to figure out whether you can still trust them, that feels messed up! (