In this example (C#), we will use the Commontracer of the Exchange server’s internal diagnostic tracers. // First of all, you need to add reference library by adding the following DLL file. Exchange Server\Bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Diagnostics.dll //Now you load the tracer functions. //To ...
database: type: mariadb version: "10.4" nfs_mount_enabled: false mutagen_enabled: false use_dns_when_possible: true composer_version: "2" web_environment: [] nodejs_version: "16" # Key features of ddev's config.yaml: # name: <projectname> # Name of the project, automatically provide...
Seesample-encryptdbfor sample for transferring data between plain-text and encrypted databases. Use WCDB with Room To use WCDB with Room library, follow theRoom instructions. The only code to change is specifyingWCDBOpenHelperFactorywhen getting instance of the database. ...