In this example (C#), we will use the Commontracer of the Exchange server’s internal diagnostic tracers. // First of all, you need to add reference library by adding the following DLL file. Exchange Server\Bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Diagnostics.dll //Now you load the tracer functions. //To ...
Seesample-encryptdbfor sample for transferring data between plain-text and encrypted databases. Use WCDB with Room To use WCDB with Room library, follow theRoom instructions. The only code to change is specifyingWCDBOpenHelperFactorywhen getting instance of the database. ...
其次,在一个大数据库中,做一次CheckDB时间会非常长,维护窗口时间或系统闲时的时间可能无法Cover这段时间,那么我们可以将CheckDB的任务分散到CHECKALLOC、DBCC CHECKTABLE、DBCC CHECKCATALOG这三个命令中。 更多关于CheckDB的详细信息,请参阅:。 数据库损坏的修...