In part 2 of this satirical tribute to the wildly popular anime and manga series, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, follow Jonathan Joestar on his quest to destroy the wicked Dio Brando in the thrilling conclusion to the JJBA Phantom Blood story ...See more ...
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Poster features many of the main characters, in official artwork featuring their iconic poses and the name of the series on the bottom side. This Poster summing up important characters from the first trilogy of the JoJo series is
In theStone Oceanmanga's "Bohemian Rhapsody" (now "Bohemian Ecstatic") arc, theStand of a character known as Ungalo, a son of Dio, is capable of bringing to life fictional characters and can do so from an incredible distance away. As a result, fictional characters start becoming real and...