vanscorp Gabriel L. (realgabriell) Diogo Soares (DabliwAga) kayal15948 Gost_Evil Tiago Mesquita (tiagomesquita) Portuguese, Brazilian: Vainock Gol D. Ace (goldace) Shaolin (admshao) dodgepong Diogo Ramos (dr03ramos) unknowndomain Ramon Mendes (rbrgameplays) Fabio Madia...
2 Microsoft Corp soft UW 克证券 国 60,982 88,501,240.91 8.45 Corp 交易所 亚马AMZN 纳斯达 美 3 Inc 逊公 UW 克证券 国 3,779 80,308,067.72 7.67 司 交易所 Alpha GOOGL 纳斯达 美 4 Alphabet Inc bet UW 克证券 国 3,943 45,091,362.30 4.31 ...
• Optimized in-store display with smart life: Expand the home display area and combine smart accessories to make the home smarter. • Creating a moving moment : A surprise private kitchen service and HOLA class continuing to develop and manage. • DIY HOME ACTIVITY: To meet people's ...
Reports the total third quarter sales of Smart & Final Inc. in Los Angeles, California. Decline on the volume for the company's foodservice distribution division; Statement from chief executive officer Ross Roeder on the turnaround activities of the company; Acceleration of the sales growth.年份...
申请(专利权)人: MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC CORP 三菱電機株式会社 发明人:O Tsukasa,大石 司 摘要: PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To facilitate searching of technical information. SOLUTION: The technical information providing method has a step which previously prepares the technical information; a step which extracts ...
申请(专利权)人: NIPPON STEEL CORP 发明人:N Toshihiko,M Yoshiyuki,N Mikio,S Ryoichi 摘要: PURPOSE:To make it possible to use the actuator in the caption for a long time by connecting a rodless cylinder embedding a piston fitting a magnet to a housing vessel for hydrogen occulusion alloy ...