Engineering, construction, and procurement companies not only inMalaysia, but within the larger region includingSingapore,Thailand,Indonesia,Vietnam, and Philippines will now have access to Clenergy's entire portfolio through JJ-LAPP's network inSouth East Asia. ...
Engineering, construction, and procurement companies not only in Malaysia, but within the larger region including Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, and Philippines will now have access to Clenergy’s entire portfolio through JJ-LAPP’s network in South East Asia . Commen...
thailand, thirdhand, tombland, trainband, trapanned, treuhand, tri-band, two-hand, umstand, unhand, unmanned, unplanned, unscanned, untanned, uphand, uppland, upstand, verband, viande, waistband, warland, washstand, wasteland, watchband, waveband, wesand, wetland, wheelband, whip hand, ...
但现在的MCM比较好的地方是这几年都陆续有新款出来,累积了一定量的款式,有创新,也有在follow当下的趋势,比如这2年就出了好多款腰包。 图:ins@mcmthailand 这样一来大家就不会只盯着一款产品了,哪怕爆款断货,还有其它选择足够有吸引力。 再一个就是明星效应了。虽然MCM最近在国内还没大面积做活动,但看得出已经...