The 6th JiWei Semiconductor Summit will take place on May 14-15 in the coastal Xiamen city of Fujian Province with a rich list of programs. The JW Insights’ annual event has been known as the semiconductor industry’s “wind vane”.This year’s sponsors are the China Semiconductor Investment...
More than 300 attendees participated in the forum, which was part of the 7th JWSS (Jiwei Semiconductor Summit) in Xiamen City of southeastern China’s Fujian Province, co-organized by JW Insights - China's leading consulting agency on semiconductor and ICT industries.Xu Yinchuan, managing director...
这是Kaggle 你问我答 (AMA) 的第二期活动,本期请到的嘉宾是 Jiwei Liu,他博士毕业于匹兹堡大学,目前是英伟达的一名高级数据科学家。 Kaggle profile:他7 年前开始参加 kaggle 竞赛,Tabular Data/Computer Vision 比赛均有涉猎。截至目前共斩获 15 金 28 银 11 铜,kaggle 最高...
JW Insights’ Jiwei Index closed at 4236.07 points on June 8, down 8.69 points, or 0.2% from the previous day, but an increase of 4.26% from the last week of 4062.89 points on June 1. Despite the slight increase in the recent month, the JiWei Index has been on a general down...
By Li Panpan (JW Insights) June 6 -- An award ceremony at the Jiwei Semiconductor Manufacturing...
(JW Insights) June 3 -- The grand session of the 7th JWSS (JiWei Semiconductor Summit) - the annual gathering of China's semiconductor investment community - was staged in Xiamen of southeastern China's Fujian Province on June 3. Representatives from Xiamen City government, China's Ministry of...
JW Insights Human Resource Conference debuted at the 6th JWSS (Jiwei Semiconductor Summit) on July 16 in Xiamen City of southeastern China’s Fujian Province. Representatives from universities and enterprises including Shanghai Jiaotong University, Beihang University attended and shared insights on building...