陆九渊(1139年—1193年),字子静,江西抚州金溪(今江西省金溪县)人。南宋哲学家,陆王心学的代表人物。因讲学象山书院(位于今江西省贵溪市),世称“象山先生”,学术界常称其为“陆象山”。兄陆九韶、陆九龄,均儒学名家,兄弟合称“三陆”。 图片· ···(全部 0 张·上传照片) 最近的...
Lu Jiuyuan (陆九渊, 1139–1193), style name Zi Jing (子静), was also known as Mr. Xiangshan ( Xiang Shan Xian Sheng , 象山先生) because he once taught at Mount Xiang ( Xiang Shan , 象山) in Guixi (贵溪) and called himself Xiang Shan Ju Shi (象山居士). Lu began to engage in ...
鸬鹚来源 道颠 (甘肃天水) AW (黑龙江哈尔滨) 干拌酸辣粉少醋 旭 (黑龙江大庆) 努力奋斗 (安徽阜阳) 読む 关中 挪得的易天君 绿坝娘花季护航 豆友uuMHBdCdhQ (吉林长春) 飞狗 Song,F. (北京) 小虫子最善良 (重庆) moodcard (浙江宁波) 庄醒 ...
1)Lu Jiuyuan陆九渊 1.Alias of Lu Jiuyuan and Name of Jingmen s Xiangshan;陆九渊的号与荆门象山的名 2.Poetic Phyilosophical Metaphor——Study of the Philosophical Aesthetic Value of Lu Jiuyuan s Poems;诗意化的哲学隐喻——陆九渊诗词的哲学审美价值研究 3."All the People Say You Are a Zenist"...
1) Lujiuyuanji 《陆九渊集》 2) Lu Jiuyuan 陆九渊 1. Alias ofLu Jiuyuanand Name of Jingmen s Xiangshan; 陆九渊的号与荆门象山的名 2. Poetic Phyilosophical Metaphor——Study of the Philosophical Aesthetic Value ofLu Jiuyuans Poems; 诗意化的哲学隐喻——陆九渊诗词的哲学审美价值研究 ...
1) Lu Jiuyuan moral education thought 陆九渊德育思想2) Lu Jiuyuan 陆九渊 1. Alias of Lu Jiuyuan and Name of Jingmen s Xiangshan; 陆九渊的号与荆门象山的名 2. Poetic Phyilosophical Metaphor——Study of the Philosophical Aesthetic Value of Lu Jiuyuan s Poems; 诗意化的哲学隐喻——陆九渊...
陆九渊: 重视直觉和自我实现 Lu Jiuyuan: Emphasizing Intuition and Self-Realization 直觉是心灵的灯塔,照亮前行之路。 Intuition is the beacon, lighting the way ahead. 自我实现是人生的最高境界。 Self-realization is the highest state of life. 追随内心的声音,才能找到真正的自己。 Follow the voice within...
Lu Jiuyuan (1139-1193) is one of the most prominent philosophers of the Song dynasty. He belonged to the School of Mind (Xin-Xue), one of the two main schools of Neo-Confucianism - the other being the School of Principle (Li Xue), of which Zhu Xi (1130-1200) is the outstanding ...
5) Lu Jiuyuan School 宗陆学派6) Lu Wang Theory 陆王学说补充资料:陆王学派 陆王学派 中国宋明时期以陆九渊、王守仁为代表的唯心主义哲学流派。南宋时,陆九渊倡言心即理,针对朱熹等人的“理”在人心之外、“即物”才可“穷理”的理论,提出“发明本心”、“求其放心”的“简易”、“直捷”主张。他还同朱熹...
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