JIS K6222-1-2004 Rubber compounding ingredients -- Sulfur -- Methods of test 热度: Exhibition-of-Master-Wan-Ko-Yee's-Amazing-Achievement-in-the-Form-of-World-Class-Treasures 热度: 相关推荐 JIS K6220-2-2001 Rubber compounding ingredients -- Test methods -- Part 2:Organic accelerators ...
JIS K 6222:1995相似标准JIS K 6222-2:1998 橡胶用硫黄粉末 GB/T 15340-1994 天然、合成生胶取样及制样方法 CNS 4449-1978 硫粉(橡胶用) GB/T 9881-2003 橡胶 术语 HG/T 4558-2013 橡胶用硫磺粉 分析测试百科网标准频道是为分析测试行业提供标准信息检索而建立,方便分析测试行业从业人员查找适用的标准。
付表付表 1(引用規格) JIS K 6211 用老化防止剤,JIS K 6220-3 用配合剤試験方法第 3 部:老化防止剤置換。 付表付表 1(引用規格) JIS K 6222 用粉末硫黄,JIS K 6222-2 用粉末硫黄置換。 付表付表 1(引用規格) JIS K 6300 未加硫物理試験方法,JIS K 6300-1 未加硫物理特性 第 1 部:粘度計...
JIS B2292-2-2004 Hydraulic fluid power-Dimensions and identification code for mounting flanges and shaft ends of displacement pumps and motors-Part 2:Metric series 热度: 【JIS日本标准】JIS K6222-1-2004 Rubber compounding ingredients -- Sulfur -- Methods of test 热度: 相关推荐 TheStandard...
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465 JSA JIS K 6222-2-1998 1998-11-20(R 2008) Japanese Sulfur powder for rubber 466 JSA JIS H 1358-1998 1998-11-20(R 2008) Japanese Methods for determination of chromium in aluminium and aluminium alloys 467 JSA JIS H 1359-1998 1998-11-20(R 2008) Japanese Methods for determination of...
14 JSA JIS K 6222-1-2010 2010-09-21 Japanese Rubber compounding ingredients - Sulfur - Methods of test 15 JSA JIS K 1571-2010 2010-09-21 Japanese Wood preservatives - Performance requirements and their test methods for determining effectiveness ...
恭喜四位美女全考过👍🏻👍🏻 73 科二考试三过三👍🏻 科二考试三过三👍🏻 122 鞭炮一响,黄金万两🌹 鞭炮一响,黄金万两🌹 86 雪天路滑注意安全 雪天路滑注意安全 81 生活处处有美景 生活处处有美景 70 逢考必过 🌹 逢考必过 🌹 154 可不可以找我报名呢😄 可不可以找我报名呢😄...
37 JSA JIS K 7244-2-1998 1998-11-20(R 2003)(R 2008) English Plastics - Determination of dynamic mechanical properties - Part 2: Torsion-pendulum method 38 JSA JIS K 7244-1-1998 1998-11-20(R 2003)(R 2008) English Plastics - Determination of Dynamic Mechanical Properties - Part 1: Gen...