ISO 3305 - 1985 光端焊接精密钢管 交货技术条件 ISO 4955 - 2005 耐热钢 ISO 683-14 - 2004 热处理钢、合金钢和易切钢 第14部分:淬火回火弹簧用热轧钢 ISO TS 15510 - 2003 技术规范 不锈钢-化学成分 ISO 8458-2 - 2002 机械用弹簧钢丝-第2部分:铅淬火冷拉碳素钢丝 ISO 8458-3 - 2002 机械...
ISO 3305 - 1985 光端焊接精密鋼管 交貨技術條件 ISO 4955 - 2005 耐熱鋼 ISO 683-14 - 2004 熱處理鋼、合金鋼和易切鋼 第14部分:淬火回火彈簧用熱軋鋼 ISO TS 15510 - 2003 技術規範 不鏽鋼-化學成分 ISO 8458-2 - 2002 機械用彈簧鋼絲-第2部分:鉛淬火冷拉碳素鋼絲 ...
ISO 3305 - 1985 光端焊接精密钢管 交货技术条件 ISO 4955 - 2005 耐热钢 ISO 683-14 - 2004 热处理钢、合金钢和易切钢 第14部分:淬火回火弹簧用热轧钢 ISO TS 15510 - 2003 技术规范 不锈钢-化学成分 ISO 8458-2 - 2002 机械用弹簧钢丝-第2部分:铅淬火冷拉碳素钢丝 ISO 8458-3 - 2002 机械...
LR50A3305/LR50A3320/LR50A3413/LR50A3414/LR50A3444/LR50A3461 材质 其他/other 颜色分类 71号草绿色 89CM 1条,52号金黄色 89CM 1条,108号红色 89CM 1条,90号黑色 89CM 1条,122号米白色 89CM 1条,198号白色 89CM 1条,195号蓝色 89CM 1条,187号棕色 89CM 1条,188号卡其色 89CM 1条,256号...
★Passes JIS C3305-4.26.2(b) flame test ★Uniform insulation thickness to ensure easy stripping and cutting ★For general purpose use of power supply indoor used for houses and buildings, wiring for coolers, etc. CoresCONDUCTORINSULATION THICKNESS ...
日标JIS 其他对应牌号Other Grades 哈氏合金C4 Hastelloy C4Alloy C4 NS335NS3305 / / NW6455 NiCr16Mo16Ti61Ni-15Mo-16Cr3.Hastelloy C4 CHEMIACAL COMPOSITIONElement Ni Cr Mo Fe C Mn Si Co S P Ti Hastelloy C4 Bal 14.0-18.0 14.0-18.0 ≦3.0 ≦0.015 ≦1.00 ≦0.08 ≦2.00 ≦0.03 ≦0.040 ≦...
Passes JIS C3305-4.26.2(b) flame test Uniform insulation thickness to ensure easy stripping and cutting For general purpose use of power supply indoor used for houses and buildings, wiring for coolers, etc. Model Cores Conductor Insulation ...
ISO 3305 - 1985Plain end welded precision steel tubes - Technical conditions for delivery 17[DIN EN] DIN EN 10220 - 2003Seamless and welded steel tubes - Dimensions and masses per unit length 18[DIN] DIN 1654-2 - 1989Cold heading and extruding steels Technical delivery conditions for killed ...
57 [ISO] ISO 3305 - 1985 Plain end welded precision steel tubes - Technical conditions for delivery 58 [EN] EN 10087 - 1999 Free-cutting steels Technical delivery conditions for semi-finished products,hot-rolled bars and rods 59 [ISO] ISO 683-1 - 1987 Heat-treatable steels,alloy steels...
★ Passes JIS C3305-4.26.2(b) flame test ★ Uniform insulation thickness to ensure easy stripping and cutting ★ For general purpose use of power supply indoor used for houses and buildings, wiring for coolers, etc. Model Cores Conductor ...