In Jira, a story represents a stakeholder's high-level vision of what a product should do, while a task is a low-level implementation detail performed by a software developer. When developers plan their work, they break Jira stories down into a set of tasks to perform. When all tasks are...
Jira系统中把Issue从Backlog拉动到Sprint backlog需要Edit issues权限;而每个PO由于都要Edit Issue,所以同时具有了拉动PBI进Sprint backlog的权限。 11. Jira中如何对User Story的验收标准记录和跟踪? 有3种办法:1. 通过分解成sub-task跟踪;2. 通过添加Custom Field;3. 使用插件,比如Checklist for Jira。 12. Ji...
a bug, a task, or another issue type in your project. Different organizations use Jira to track different kinds of issues. It can range from representing a single unit of work, like a simple task, to a larger parent work item to be tracked, like a story or an epic. ...
Add story point estimates to your stories by adding a number in theStory point estimatefield. You can also add more details to the stories or click thecreate subtaskicon to further break down the work of the story. When you're ready, drag the stories agreed to in the sprint planning mee...
- Sub-Task 子任务(Sub-Task之外,所有的Issue类型都可以创建Sub-Task) 以上所有子任务完成之后,这个Story才能算完成。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. filed字段 一个Story会有属性:名称、详细描述、提交人、提交时间、优先级、状态等等。这些属性就是Field字段。而所谓的Story,也是Type属性为“Story”的...
In Jira, the Kanban project gives you an out-of-the-box workflow with Backlog, Selected for Development, In Progress, and Done. This lets the product owner add tasks to the backlog, and move them to "ready for development" once the task or user story is fully baked. Team members can...
Task任务:需要完成的任务? Improvement'改进意见:对现有系统功能的改进2.2.2 优先级(Priority Levels )在JIRA系统中用优先级来表示问题的严重级别。系统管理员可以在JIRA系统中添加优先级,JIRA系统缺省的优先级为紧急,严重,一般,次要', 无关紧要5个级别:级别经合描述Blo 15、cker阻塞开发或测试的工作进度,或影响...
JIRA Sub-Task Examples Create Sub-Tasks In JIRA Sub-Tasks In JIRA As we all know that a task/issue in JIRA is the mentioned story/requirement which is worked upon. In case the issue is too big and complex then the issue can be broken down into logical sub-issues known as ‘Sub-task...
Task – The work that must be done Subtask – Smaller tasks that make up a large task 2) Jira Software issues Story – Request for functionality by the user Bug – Problems that hamper the functionality of a product or service Epic – Large issue made of many issues ...
The features I find most valuable for work and team productivity are creating subtasks and tracking their completion. Additionally, reporting features such as burnout charts and task reporting are quite valuable for us. The tool's integration capabilities with other tools are quite nice. It's an...