TO "newvalue" 备注: CHANGED运算符常被用于Assignee, Fix Version, Priority, Reporter, Resolution, and Status这些字段。 举例 assignee CHANGED status CHANGED FROM "In Progress" TO "Open" priority CHANGED BY freddo BEFORE endOfWeek() AFTER startOfWeek() 2. 查询是否带有附件 示例: 查询带有附件的问题...
作用:用于查找指定字段的值已更改的问题 --查找受让人已更改的问题:1assigneeCHANGED--查找状态已从“进行中”更改回“开放”的问题:1statusCHANGEDFROM"In Progress"TO"Open"--查找在本周开始之后和结束之前用户“freddo”更改了优先级的问题。1priorityCHANGEDBYfreddoBEFOREendOfWeek()AFTERstartOfWeek() 3.Keywords...
status CHANGED FROM "In Progress" TO "Open"Find issues whose priority was changed by user 'freddo' after the start and before the end of the current week.priority CHANGED BY freddo BEFORE endOfWeek() AFTER startOfWeek()
TO “newvalue” 备注: CHANGED运算符常被用于Assignee, Fix Version, Priority, Reporter, Resolution, and Status这些字段。 例子:project not in (TestLog, 内部需求反馈) AND issuetype in (Improvement, "New Feature", 线上BUG) AND status = 已上线 ANDstatus changed from 开发中 to 待测试 by current...
status CHANGEDFROM“InProgress”TO“Open” 想找到这星期正在进行中的问题,我们可以使用如下的JQL: status was (“In Progress”) DURING (startofweek(), endofweek()); 年末时查看一年中你解决了多少问题,我们只需要一点点JQL: resolution changed to “Fixed” bycurrentUser() ...
➢本月解决的BUG:type=bugANDstatuschangedfrom"InProgress"to"ReadytoRelease"during(startOfMonth(),endOfMonth())ORDERBYsummaryASC 分析数据 •1.通过Filter查询出数据后,在右上角“导出”按钮,选择HTML(当前域),再将导出的HTML数据复制到Excel,便可在Excel上处理;•2.系统默认一次只能导出1000条,...
· 本月解决的BUG:type = bug AND status changed from "In Progress" to "Ready to Release" during (startOfMonth(), endOfMonth()) ORDER BY summary ASC 导出数据Export 1.通过Filter查询出数据后,在右上角“导出”按钮,选择“HTML(当前域)”(其它类型通常会乱码); ...
Let's assume that you updated an issue's status to "Closed" yesterday at 3 PM. You run the following queries at 1 PM today: status changed to "Closed" after -1d won't return the closed issue. However, it'll return the result if you run status changed to "Closed" after -2d. st...
续上周 Jira 报表指南 -上篇、中篇,给大家介绍了从项目仪表板、标准报表、自定义小工具及仪表板、报表不同的输出格式,以及与报表相关的插件等内容,这周着重介绍报表的类型。
You can also trypip install --user --upgrade jirawhich will install or upgrade jira to your user directory. Or maybe you ARE using avirtualenvright? By default only the basic library dependencies are installed, so if you want to use theclitool or other optional dependencies do perform a fu...