'password'))# 搜索问题issues=jira.search_issues('project=MYPROJECT')# 获取问题详细信息forissueinissues:print('问题名称:',issue.key)print('问题摘要:',issue.fields.summary)print('问题描述:',issue.fields.description)print('问题状态:',issue.fields.status.name)print('问题优先级:',issue.fields.pr...
セルフ issues.fields.project.self string セルフ id issues.fields.project.id string プロジェクト ID キー issues.fields.project.key string プロジェクト キー name issues.fields.project.name string プロジェクト名 projectTypeKey issues.fields.project.projectTypeKey string プロジェクト...
Search for issues in Jira, learn advanced search, work with your search results, and use filters.
This page will show you how to search for issues inJira Service Management. Any agent can search for issues, although they will only see results from projects they have access to.You'll find a step-by-step guide below that will show you how to run a search and use the search results....
Hi, The parent issue have 2 child issues (A and B). I would like to copy some custom fields value from child A to child B. The trigger will be either Form Summited or Issue transitioned. Some value ... 121 views70Loicyesterday ...
Search for issues that are assigned to a particular user. You can search by the user's full name, ID, or email address. Syntax 1 assignee Field Type USER Auto-complete Yes Supported operators = , != IS, IS NOT, IN, NOT IN, WAS, WAS IN, WAS NOT, WAS NOT IN, CHANGED Note that...
#search_issues() 参数是 jira 里的JQL语句,返回一个 issue 列表。startAT 表示从第几个开始返回,maxResults=False 返回所有issues,默认固定返回50个数据。startAT 和 maxResults 可以实现分页查询效果。issue_list = jiraClinet.search_issues('JQL语句',startAT=0,maxResults=False)forissueinissue_list:#打印...
jira.search_issues('JQL语句') 默认最大结果数为1000,可以通过maxResults参数配置,参数为-1时不限制数量,返回所有搜索结果。 代码语言:javascript 复制 #查询姓名为devname的产生的bug总数并输出 issues=jira.search_issues('status=done and developer = "devname"',maxResults=-1)print('共产生bug数:',issues...
Search bar: Display issues that contain a search term, and hide the rest. Quick filters menu: By default, you can filter by issues assigned to you, and issues recently updated. Any Quick filters you create will also display here.
Search for issues that are due by the end of the last day of the current week. By default, this function considers Saturday to be the last day of the week. You can use a different day (for example, Sunday) as the end of the week. See the syntax in the examples mentioned below. ...