Last 30 days Trudy Claspill 87 accepted answers Bill Sheboy 64 accepted answers Marc - Devoteam 24 accepted answers Manoj Gangwar 18 accepted answers Walter Buggenhout 18 accepted answers Valerie Knapp 16 accepted answers See all Popular tags jira cloud jira-software jira-software-cl...
This query provides the last 300 rule executions that had the longest execution or duration time. You can use it to identify rules that could be taking a long time to execute and hurting the environment performance. MSSQL Remember to adjust the interval to match your needs. select top 300 ...
Upcoming Jira Work Management Events Last 30 days Bill Sheboy 2 accepted answers Trudy Claspill 2 accepted answers Gold loan 2 accepted answers Dirk Ronsmans 1 accepted answer Google Apo 1 accepted answer Mohanraj Thangamuthu 1 accepted answer See all...
Look out for "Last issue update" column and sort the column (either ascending or Descending) Run the below SQL query: SELECT DISTINCT i.PROJECT, MAX(i.UPDATED) as Last_Updated, p.pname, p.lead FROM jiraissue i INNER JOIN project p ON p.ID = i.PROJECT...
This will use the age brackets 0-30 days, 31-60 days, 61-90 days, and over 90 days (which also happens to be the default). Waste (withdrawn items) This chart shows how many work items are withdrawn or cancelled after work has started. It relies on a separate JIRA query, and assume...
You can combine available flags in any order to create a unique query. For example, the command below will give you high priority issues created this month with status To Do that are assigned to you and has the label backend.jira issue list -yHigh -s"To Do" --created month -lbackend...
Query String Add the query for the API call in the form of a standard JSON object. For example:{"name":"something-urgent"} Body Add the body content for the API call in the form of a standard JSON object. Note: When using conditional statements such asifin your JSON, put ...
Days Since Last ViewFormula ColumnDatediff(curdate(),"Last Viewed")Displays the number of days since the last view. Days Since CreationFormula ColumnDatediff(curdate(),"Created Date")Displays the number of days since the creation. Days OverdueFormula Columnif("Due Date"<now() and "Status"!=...
Which issues have new comments added last week? History searches with JQL With Jira Query Language, you can find a list of issues based on their values at a particular point in the past, instead of the current value of those fields. Advanced searches with JQL don’t work for all fields ...
Find all issues created in the last five days: 1 created >= "-5d" Less than (<) The "<" operator is used to search for issues where the value of the specified field is less than the specified value. Note that the "<" operator can only be used with fields which support ordering...