3- Find the date customield ID you would like to modify: How to find id for custom field(s)? 4- Confirm with query below the CUSTOMFIELDTYPEKEY and CUSTOMFIELDSEARCHERKEY For example for the customefiled id = 10500 Select * from custom...
date, indexed as a date and enables date range searching and ordering. The expected date format is [YYYY]-[MM]-[DD]. The expected date time format is [YYYY]-[MM]-[DD]T[hh]:[mm] with optional offset from UTC: +/-[hh]:[mm] or Z for no offset. For reference, see the ISO_86...
Returning dates from Jira expressions renders them in the Jira REST API format. For example, issue.created. Human-readable format. For example, 29/Jun/18 10:16 PM (Date format) or 29/Jun/18 (CalendarDate format). To transform a date to this format, call the toString() method. This ...
1,在请求之前添加一个前置处理器,把要用的时间处理 2,创建请求,前置处理器 把代码copy过去就行 代码如下: import java.util.*; import java.text.*; /**特殊日期的组成,先得到年月日的,再去得到时分秒的,再找到特殊的字符拼接起来*/ String str1 = (new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy... ...
"AND 预计开始日期 >= \"" + jiraReqDTO.getStartDate() + "\" " + "AND 预计完成日期 <= \"" + jiraReqDTO.getEndDate() + "\" " + "AND \"Story Points\" is not EMPTY ORDER BY cf[10607] ASC"; // String jql = "assignee= 18030198 AND issuetype in (任务, Task, 子任务, Su...
Create a queue for all unresolved requests shared with organizations that joined on 2023-08-24 where the date is in YYYY-MM-DD format: resolution = Unresolved AND Organizations in organizationDetail("Joined on", "2023-08-24") Consider a multi-select dropdown that can contain up to two valu...
When was the due date changed? Which issues have new comments added last week? History searches with JQL With Jira Query Language, you can find a list of issues based on their values at a particular point in the past, instead of the current value of those fields. Advanced searches with ...
JQL query string jql True string The jql parameter is a full JQL expression (https://www.atlassian.com/software/jira/guides/expand-jira/jql) Parameters to expand expand string Specify the expansion on the expand parameter Jira instance host name hostname True string Specify the jira ho...
1 createdDate Field Type DATE Auto-complete No Supported operators = , != , > , >= , < , <= IS , IS NOT , IN , NOT IN Unsupported operators ~ , !~ WAS, WAS IN, WAS NOT, WAS NOT IN, CHANGED Supported functions When used with the EQUALS, NOT EQUALS, GREATER THAN, GREATER ...
Gabor Zele commented on IMPALA-12691: --- Just to explain a bit more, I need the following query to convert some full and partial dates stored in strings to timestamps: {noformat} SELECT text_date, CAST( CONCAT_WS('-', if(regexp_extract(text_date,'(?:[^\\w-]|^)(\\d{4})(...