想做到免登录访问 jira 的页面,用 jira 的Oauth1.0a授权,现在获取到了access_token,能不能通过这个...
res = requests.post(url,cookies = cookies,json=params,headers=headers,allow_redirects=False) # cookies["atlassian.xsrf.token"] = res.cookies["atlassian.xsrf.token"] print(res.text) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 具体请参考接口文档进行操作,本次我们以第一个接口为例。 3.2 新建is...
API TokenAuth ID: APITokenApplicable: All regionsUse API Token to access JiraThis is not shareable connection. If the power app is shared with another user, another user will be prompted to create new connection explicitly.Tabelle erweitern NameTypeDescriptionRequired Username or Email string Your...
ヘッダー値は、この文字列を使用してトークン値 Api-Token [YOUR-DYNATRACE-API-TOKEN] で置き換えます。注: トークン文字列の前にスペースを追加して、Api-Token を含める必要があります。 [HTTP Method (HTTP メソッド)]– [POST] オプションを選択します。 [Webhook Body (Webhook 本文)]...
Auth ID: APITokenApplicable: All regionsUse API Token to access JiraThis is not shareable connection. If the power app is shared with another user, another user will be prompted to create new connection explicitly.展開表格 NameTypeDescriptionRequired Username or Email string Your Jira username. ...
Paste the project access token copied from Rollbar intoRollbar Write Access Token. Expand theSteps to configure the integrationsection on the integration configuration page and copy the API URL. You will use this key while configuring the integration inRollbarlater. ...
对于其他版本, 也可以填写使用personal_access_token进行认证. 其值为:user@example.com:api_token_string的 base64 编码后字符串. 具体说明见:Basic auth for REST APIs (atlassian.com) issue_type: 根据您的 Jira Issue Type 来填写, 可能是:AlertSupportBugNew Feature等等或其他 ...
'access_token_secret': 'a9f8ag0ehaljkhgeds90', 'consumer_key': 'jira-oauth-consumer', 'key_cert': key_cert_data } authed_jira = JIRA(oauth=oauth_dict) Note OAuth 使用的前提:令牌必须通过授权、必须通过OAuth的dance。在交互使用中,如果你没有有效的令牌,jirashell可以帮助你 ...
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY AWS_SESSION_TOKEN (only for temporary creds) Navigate to dc-app-performance-toolkit folder and start tests execution: 1 2 export ENVIRONMENT_NAME=your_environment_name 1 2 docker run --pull=always --env-file ./app/util/k8s/aws_envs \ -e REGION...
In my case I gave my site URL https://vijayprojectnew.atlassian.net Auth URL : https://auth.atlassian.com/authorize?audience=api.atlassian.com Access Token URL : https://auth.atlassian.com/oauth/token Client ID : Client id from Developer console from Step 1 Client secret: Secret ...