# cookies["atlassian.xsrf.token"] = res.cookies["atlassian.xsrf.token"] print(res.text) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 具体请参考接口文档进行操作,本次我们以第一个接口为例。 3.2 新建issue 请求地址:http://localhost:8080/rest/api/2/issue/ 请求头:{“Content-Type”: “applicati...
1 https://jira.atlassian.com/rest/api/latest/issue/JRA-9?expand=names,renderedFields To discover the identifiers for each entity, look at the expand property in the parent object. In the JSON example below, the resource declares widgets as being expandable. Copy 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 { ...
本地服务器API URL +具体路径 刚刚开始学 CMDB,选择了 Jira 的Insight,于是向导写个脚本调用API 接口, 再Token 这里绕了一下路,于是记录下来 参考文档:https://confluence.atlassian.com/enterprise/using-personal-access-tokens-1026032365.html 我用的是jiraSoftware ...
Diagnosis In the application logs, the following error message is observed while executing the API calls using thePersonal Access Tokens: logs 2024-06-25 16:10:43,434+1000 http-nio-82-exec-19 ERROR anonymous 970x586299x1 - 10.20.xx.xx /rest/api/2/myself [c.m.r.a...
JIRA's REST API provides access to a number of resources that are accessible via normal URLs. JIRA's response format is JSON. Because REST is built off the same technologies as the web itself, you generally do not need complicated libraries to use it. In fact, you can start exploring JIR...
url = "https://###JIRA API URL###/rest/api/latest/search?jql=project="&Project_key_2&"&maxResults="&max_results, // Define the personal access token token = #"Access Token", // Define the headers with the personal access token headers = [ #"Authorization"="Bearer " & token, #...
如何使用 Spring Boot 创建 REST API ? Spring Boot 是一个功能强大的框架,可以轻松创建 RESTful API。...在本文中,我们将逐步指导如何使用 MySQL 和 JPA 在 Spring Boot 中创建 RESTful API。...第 5 步:创建服务类接下来,我们需要创建...
无法通过REST API将测试结果导入JIRA是因为JIRA本身并没有提供直接导入测试结果的功能。然而,可以通过以下步骤将测试结果导入JIRA: 1. 创建一个自定义的JIRA Issue类型,用于...
意思就是登录公司的git后,在头像--settings--Access tokens 页面,填写name、失效时间以及使用范围,点击创建personal access token。创建成功后,页面会显示新的access token,页面刷新后这个值就不再显示,所以我们要保存在某个地方 比如:curl -H 'private-token: xxxxxxxxxxx' -X GET http://xxxxxx/api/v4/projects...