⚡ Plan and organize tasks From short projects, to large cross-functional programs, Jira helps break big ideas down into achievable steps. Organize work, create milestones, map dependencies and more. Align work to goals Link work to goals so everyone can see how their work contributes to comp...
indexOf("/create") >= 0 || url.indexOf("/edit") >= 0) { linkTypeElement = document.getElementById('issuelinks-linktype'); if (linkTypeElement !== null) { linkTypeElement.value = defaultLinkType; } } else if (url.indexOf("/LinkJiraIssue") >= 0) { wa...
Unfortunately you cannot create the link under the same command as you will need to get the issue key for the created issue after the post command has completed and you will need to call the rest API below in order to create an issue link. /rest/api/2/issueLink I have created a ...
Drag and drop the types of fields you’d like to have in the issue type, and give each field type a name. You could also set the default values for each field if you’d like. In company-managed projects:How to link issues Open an issue. Select Link issue at the top of the issu...
从board页面,点击页面最上方的[create]按钮,来创建issue。 create issue popover 录入issue的必要信息,这时候estimation值一般是没有的,留待IPM中填充。 等准备好所有issues之后,backlog显示如下: Backlog page 开启IPM(Iteration plan meeting) 在会议上,通过开发人员一起确认各个issue的估点,并且“创建”Sprint,根据...
Create a test 为需求单关联一个测试用例,打开需求单,点击More,选择Link,选择测试用例即可。 Add a link 为缺陷单关联一个测试用例,同样的方法,如果需要为一个缺陷单关联一个测试用例,选择link,选择created by或者tested by选项,既可把缺陷单和测试用例关联起来。
然后,通过指定Jira issue的key获取该issue的issuelinks。接着,遍历issuelinks并检索每个issuelink的创建日期。如果issuelink是从当前issue指向其他issue的,可以通过outwardIssue属性获取相关信息;如果issuelink是从其他issue指向当前issue的,可以通过inwardIssue属性获取相关信息。最后,打印出每个issuelink的key和创建日期。
JIRA 的 Issue Type 非常丰富,而且可以自行定义,对应真实的工件类型,如Support Case、Change Request、Enhancement 等。下面重点讲一下敏捷中最重要的几种Issue Type的层级关系。 Epic 由于一个 Epic 包含若干个用户故事(Story),在新建或编辑Story时,可以通过 Epic Link 的属性把该 Story 指向一个已有的 Epic,从而...
Create a new issue (V2) This operation is used to create a new issue. Create a new issue (V3) This operation is used to create a new issue. Create a new issue [DEPRECATED] This action has been deprecated. Please use Create a new issue (V3) instead. This operation is used to crea...
wa.cell(z,13,testLink) print( '创建第', i, '个需求%s' % parentId ) if row [ 1 ] == '子任务-程序开发' or row [ 1 ] == '子任务-程序测试' : j += 1 issue_dict = subTaskAssembly( row, parentId ) subTaskIds = jira.create_issue(issue_dict ) ...