需要将"https://your-jira-url/rest/api/2/search?jql=YOUR_JQL_QUERY"中的"your-jira-url"替换为实际的Jira地址,并将"YOUR_JQL_QUERY"替换为实际的JQL查询语句。 最后结束 点击"完成"关闭编辑界面。 在弹出的对话框中,选择将查询结果加载到工作表中的位置,然后点击"确定"。
3.根据项目的key来编写jira查询语句jql(jira query language),如:jql = 'project = "AAA"'表示查询项目key为AAA的项目. 4.通过jira查询语句来查询Jira上的事件.如jira.search_issues(jql, fields='')将根据jql查询项目AAA的问题点,返回的issues为jql中项目的所有事件组成的列表,如: [<JIRA Issue: key='AAA...
This gives you access to a com.atlassian.jira.jql.builder.JqlClauseBuilder which can be used to build up the where clause of the JQL and also a com.atlassian.jira.jql.builder.JqlOrderByBuilder which can be used to build up the order by clause of the JQL. This object can also be used...
Boost your productivity by learning how to use advanced search with Jira Query Language (JQL) in Jira Service Management.
Use this JQL query to add colors to your issue cards! For example, add a red stripe to issues that have some blockers, and keep all other issues green. This will help you bring the right information to your team’s attention, at a glance. For more info, see Customizing cards. ...
Maîtrisez JQL pour améliorer vos recherches dans Jira. Créez des requêtes complexes, filtrez des tickets et trouvez exactement ce dont vous avez besoin. Apprenez le JQL dès maintenant !
Examples Find all issues that are assigned to a sprint that has not yet been completed:sprint in openSprints() organizationDetail() Perform searches based on the organization details. To use this JQL function, turn on Customer service management on the Features page in Project settings. This fu...
Understand the Assets Query Language (AQL) in Jira Service Management, and learn how to use it with some simple examples.
包路径:com.atlassian.jira.jql.builder.JqlQueryBuilder 类名称:JqlQueryBuilder 方法名:newOrderByBuilder JqlQueryBuilder.newOrderByBuilder介绍 [英]Build a new JqlOrderByBuilder. The returned builder will have no associated com.atlassian.jira.jql.builder.JqlQueryBuilder. ...
Configuring the field to show in the issue view again while you want to see the results. You can choose to hide the field again. Must be checked in Jira DB (if server version), see documentation for query examplesLast modified on Nov 14, 2024 Was this helpful? Y...