Hello, I am trying to get all issues from a project using Jira Rest Java Client using the following code: Iterable<Issue> issues = client.getSearchClient().searchJql("project = MYPURRJECT AND status in (Closed, Completed, Resolved) ORDER BY ssignee,resolutiondate").claim().g...
Searches for issues using JQL Get all issue from digital board Searches for issues using JQLOperation ID: SimpleSearch Get all issue from digital board Parameters 展开表 NameKeyRequiredTypeDescription JQL query string jql True string The jql parameter is a full JQL expression (https://www.at...
i try to get all issues which includes the value "xyz" in the customfield "myCustomField".This means there exists a field "myCustomField" within some issues and there is for example the value "xyz" stored. Now i want to find all issue which have this value in the custom field. In ...
Get list of Filters (V2) This operation returns a list of Filters accessible to user. Get list of issues This operation returns a list of issues using JQL. Get list of Resources This operation returns a list of resources accessible to user. Get list of Transitions Returns a list of ...
get_issues_by_project_key(project_key):# 因为component从jira取出来是list,所以用逗号将它分割,重新组合成stringjqlstring = "project = " + project_key + " AND issuetype = Defect ORDER BY updated DESC"try:query = jira.search_issues(jql_str=jqlstring,json_result=True,fields="key,summary,...
Jira's filtering and search is backed by machine learning and JQL (Jira Query Language) Best practices playbook Atlassian has 45+ plays to help inspire your teams with agile best practices inside our products and beyond Top-down visibility Ladder up work across multiple teams into common goals...
Get list of Filters (V2) This operation returns a list of Filters accessible to user. Get list of issues This operation returns a list of issues using JQL. Get list of Resources This operation returns a list of resources accessible to user. Get list of Transitions Returns a list of ...
History searches with JQL With Jira Query Language, you can find a list of issues based on their values at a particular point in the past, instead of the current value of those fields. Advanced searches with JQL don’t work for all fields and have some limitations. Let’s look what past...
Jira의 이슈 검색에서 아래와 같은 Jira 쿼리 언어(JQL) 표현식을 구성합니다. project = DT AND statusin(Backlog,"In Progress") AND component = frontend ORDER BY created DESC 2단계: 릴리스 이슈 트래커 쿼리 만들기 ...
JIRA API与查询语言(JQL)指南说明书