1duedate < now() or duedate is empty NOT 個別の句、または括弧を使用した複雑な JQL クエリ (複数の句で構成されたクエリ) の否定に使用して、検索精度を高めることができます。 (注:NOT EQUALS("!=")、DOES NOT CONTAIN("!~")、NOT IN、IS NOTについてもご確認ください) ...
due < endOfYear() Find issues due by the end of March next year:due < endOfYear("+3M") entitlementDetail() Only applicable for sites with Jira Service Management subscriptions. Perform searches based on the entitlement’s details. To use this JQL function, turn on Customer service ...
JQL lets you search for a value in a specific field. Each field in Jira has a corresponding JQL name. If you’ve made a custom field, you’ll be asked to name the field. In a clause, a field is followed by an operator, which in turn is followed by one or more values (or ...
It’s good practice to archive Done or Resolved issues, or those whose resolution due date has passed, so that they don’t clutter your Jira instance. For example, many customers archive issues that haven't been updated for the last 2 years....
Usage: jql [options] [query] Options: -h, --help output usage information -c, --custom <name> Filter by custom jql saved in jira config Using jira sprint functionality, you can get issues tagged in a sprint eg.jira sprint -r YOUR_RAPIDBOARD -s STRING_TO_SEARCH_IN_SPRINT_NAME ...
(ApplicationUser user, Date startDate, Date endDate, Long projectId) throws SearchException { JqlQueryBuilder queryBuilder = JqlQueryBuilder.newBuilder(); Query query = queryBuilder.where().createdBetween(startDate, endDate).and().project(projectId).buildQuery(); return searchProvider.searchCount...
the results will fill multiple rows below starting from the cell you enter the function. Give it a try, with a very basic JQL:JST_search("status = Done"; "key,summary,status"; 5)This will search for any Jira issue withstatusequalsDoneand fill your cells with max 5 rows over 3 column...
If the task is passed over to you late, you will have less time to work on it. The worse scenario is that it interrupts you Try to set a due date when assigning out a task and send automated reminders to chase them. 8. Use the correct tool ...
curl--verbose--user"$USER:$API_TOKEN""https://$ATLASSIAN_SUBDOMAIN.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/search?jql=project=$JIRA_PROJECT_KEY"| jq Both methods should return a JSON response: totalgives a count of the issues that match the Jira project key. ...
Then the JQL is executed on the latest issue information in Jira. The condition is satisfied if exactly one or at least one issue key is in the JQL query's result. Note that the condition works correctly with those issues that were moved between projects, thus changed their issue keys. ...