Problem When rendering a JIRA issue in a Confluence page using the JIRA Issue Macro, an "JIRA Issues Macro: JIRA project does not exist or you do not have permission to view it" error is thrown. Cause This is can be caused by one...
-v https://[example] returns error as {"errorMessages":["Issue does not exist or you do not have permission to see it."],"errors":{}}% but test with –user as below curl -s -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" "...
assign the issue to a previous assignee based on the issue history, or assign the issue to its creator. If you specify users to exclude, or groups the user must be in, any user not matching this requirement will be skipped and the action will continue...
Not able to create new Project in Jira Confluence Issue Macro not able to display issues from JIRA. 'The project you are trying to view does not exist' Error Message Due to Project Key Pattern Confluence links within Jira issues fail to authenticate JIRA Issue...
jira.exceptions.JIRAError: JiraError HTTP 400 url: https://<jira_host>/rest/api/latest/issue/<issue_key>/assignee text: User 'JIRAUSER<id>' does not exist. Despite the same key being returned from https://<jira_host>/rest/api/2/user?username= . The user does exist and this error...
For example, to get the value of the issue property "myProperty" or use a default value when "myProperty” is not defined, write:1 2["myProperty"] || "default value" The preceding expression may behave unexpectedly, as some non-null values are treated as false (such ...
When you try to view the Jira issue list in GitLab, you might see one of the following errors. Error:The value '<project>' does not exist for the field 'project' If you use the wrong authentication credentials for your Jira installation, you might see this error: ...
{"errorMessages":["The value 'PTL' does not exist for the field 'project'.","Field 'issuetype' does not exist or this field cannot be viewed by anonymous users."],"warningMessages":[]} I would suggest you go in your JIRA filter and try to use the same using as the query, you ...
Once I have received all the content and input all the information etc I move the issue to "closed". After some time these issues disappear a... 52 views 2 0 Tanya 5 hours ago cloud jira jira-cloud Atlassian Analytics - Data does not change when component is selected ...
state: 'Resolve this issue'这里也是要填写您预定义的 Jira 解决该问题的transition而非status, 如'Resolve this issue'. 其他疑难情况 如果你碰到各种诡异的日志, 原因大部分都是因为没有正确认证登录导致的, 典型的比如这个报错: The value 'XXX' does not exist for the field 'project'.LOG ...