Configure theTransition the issueaction to set the destination status from the trigger issue. This sets the story issues status to the parent epic. The transition issue action should look like the illustration below. ClickSaveto continue. This fully configured the rule. The left sidebarRule summary...
接下来,我们介绍下“已规划到项目”中的需求管理方式,该类需求来源于“客户服务需求反馈/同步看板”,经过产品同学设计后,以“功能”粒度在各事业部的产品需求看板中以“Story”类型来管理。 ? ?...至此,我们形成了需求拆分的三层模型,即:史诗 Epic->功能 Story/
Consider creating an epic if you have a large body of work that needs to be completed over several sprints or over a long period of time. You can also create an epic when you notice a pattern among several user stories, and you want to bundle them into one group. Check out our guide...
Easy Agile TeamRhythm for Jira is the simple and elegant way to create story maps in JIRA. It will make your next story mapping session more effective. Easy Agile User Story Maps for JIRA enables the team to quickly: build the backbone of epics, break down those epics with stories, order...
The development team would tell the product owner that this proposal isn't just a regular user story but, rather, anepicuser story. A Jira epic is just a big, complex user story that teams must break down into multiple, smaller user stories to be accomplished. ...
一、史诗和故事工作流/scrum epic&story 1、对应的问题类型:Epic&故事 2、工作流如下: 二、敏捷开发任务工作流/scrum task 1、对应的问题类型:项目开发任务&子任务 2、工作流如下: 三、需求/UI/系统设计变更工作流/scrum alter-demand1.0.0 1、对应的问题类型:alter-demand(需求变更、UI变更、系统设计变更皆走...
我们都知道 salesforce是主动拥抱敏捷的,而且大部分的salesforce项目使用敏捷方式进行开发和迭代是很方便和...
我想从特定项目中找到所有具有"Epic 问题"的史诗。 当前JQL: project=FOO AND issuetype=EpicAND keyin(FOO-1,FOO-2,FOO-3) 我可以添加and issueFunction in linkedIssuesOf("project = BAR and issueFunction in hasLinkType('Epic-Story Link')"),但它给我的史诗有其他类型的相关问题(例如克隆,相关..)...
This epic, titled “Enhance User Engagement Through Gamification,” would encompass a variety of tasks, such as the integration of a rewards system, the introduction of interactive challenges, and the implementation of a leaderboard. Each task under this epic contributes to the overarching goal of ...
Really usefull, would be interesting if it could create tasks under an epic, or sub-tasks under a task Alex Bailon@alexbailon · 1 year ago It's a good plugin as a starting point, but depending on how you have Figma configured, it's useless. In my use case, for example, I would ...