Status Icon URL fields.status.iconUrl string Issue status. Status Name string Issue status. Status Id string Issue status. Status Category Id integer Issue status category. Status Category Key fields.status.statusCategory.key st...
issues = jira.create_issues(field_list=issue_list)# 分配问题jira.assign_issue(issue,'newassignee')# 转换问题jira.transition_issue(issue,'5', assignee={'name':'pm_user'}, resolution={'id':'3'})
"title": "Status", "type": "object", "properties": { "statusColor": { "type": "string" }, "description": { "type": "string" }, "iconUrl": { "type": "string" }, "name": { "type": "string" }, "id": { "type": "string" }, "statusCategory": { "title": "Status ...
Step 1 - Create a project Log into your Jira site. In the top navigation, select the “Projects” dropdown and select “Create project”. Step 2 - Pick a template There aredozens of Jira templates, each of which is designed to get your team started quickly and successfully. Today, there...
{"statusColor": {"type":"string"},"description": {"type":"string"},"iconUrl": {"type":"string"},"name": {"type":"string"},"id": {"type":"string"},"statusCategory": {"title":"Status Category","type":"object","properties": {"id": {"type":"integer"},"key": {"type"...
"statusColor": { "type": "string" }, "description": { "type": "string" }, "iconUrl": { "type": "string" }, "name": { "type": "string" }, "id": { "type": "string" }, "statusCategory": { "title": "Status Category", ...
一、安装jira pip install jira 1. 二、使用jira 项目对象(Project)的主要属性及方法如下: key: 项目的Key name: 项目名称 description: 项目描述 lead: 项目负责人 projectCategory: 项目分类 components: 项目组件 versions: 项目中的版本 raw: 项目的原始API数据 ...
我可能不是第一个尝试使用来自Webmethods Service的JIRARESTAPI向JIRA添加附件的人。所以希望有人能帮上忙。有两个问题,一个是JIRARESTAPI,两个是Webmethods MIME服务(版本9.8)。构建addAttachment服务,使用JIRARESTAPI将json inputStream作为附件添加到JIRA。,"statusCategory": ...
jira用户使用指南第一章前言JIRA 是澳大利亚 Atlassian 公司开发的一款优秀的问题跟踪管理软件工具,可以对各种类型的问题进行跟踪管理,包括缺陷任务需求改进等。JIRA采用J2EE技术,能够跨平台部署。它正被广泛的开源软件组织,
Company-managedandteam-managedprojects have different ways of determining whether an issue is consideredDone. Whilst inteam-managedprojects you might use the JQLstatusCategory != Doneto find open issues, incompany-managedprojects you’ll need to change this toresolution = unresolvedand ensure...