Please use Create a new issue (V3) instead. This operation is used to create a new issue. Create a new project This operation is used to create a new Jira project. Create a new project (V2) This operation is used to create a new Jira project. Create Project Category Creates a ...
jira用户使用指南第一章前言JIRA 是澳大利亚 Atlassian 公司开发的一款优秀的问题跟踪管理软件工具,可以对各种类型的问题进行跟踪管理,包括缺陷任务需求改进等。JIRA采用J2EE技术,能够跨平台部署。它正被广泛的开源软件组织,
jira.create_issue(): 创建问题 jira.create_issues(): 批量创建问题 jira.assign_issue(): 分配问题 jira.transitions(): 获取问题的工作流 jira.transition_issue(): 转换问题 示例如下: # 创建问题issue_dict = {'project': {'id':123},'summary':'New issue from jira-python','description':'Look i...
Add a new column, change the name of column, delete a column, or a move a column as necessary. Learn more Step 4 - Create an issue Issuesare the building blocks of your Jira project. An issue can represent a story, epic, bug, feature to be built, or any other task in your projec...
我可能不是第一个尝试使用来自Webmethods Service的JIRARESTAPI向JIRA添加附件的人。所以希望有人能帮上忙。有两个问题,一个是JIRARESTAPI,两个是Webmethods MIME服务(版本9.8)。构建addAttachment服务,使用JIRARESTAPI将json inputStream作为附件添加到JIRA。,"statusCategory": ...
4.1.3 状态(Status) 每个问题有一个状态,用来表明问题所处的阶段,问题通过开始于open状态,然后开始处理/Progress,再到解决/Resolved,然后被关闭/Closed。根据情况的不同,您可以根据项目来定制问题状态以及工作流。JIRA系统提供的缺省状态如下: Open 表示问题被提交等待有人处理。
Adding a column to your board creates a new status for your business project’s workflow. The newly added column, will be a status in thein-progressstatus category.More about status categories To add a column to your board, you can: ...
Status (Default/Status) For Model categories we don’t add anything new! And for Software models, we add a specific attribute for the version of the software: Version (Default/Text) To create an attribute, you must be logged in as a Jira admin or have Object Schema Manager pe...
status: 状态 summary: 问题描述 worklog: 活动日志 updated: 更新时间 watches: 关注者 comments: 评论 resolution: 解决方案 subtasks: 子任务 issuelinks: 连接问题 lastViewed: 最近查看时间 attachment: 附件 #问题创建人,其他问题字段的属性和方法类似 ...
With Jira, your team has the freedom to use the tools they actually want and the flexibility to incorporate new technologies. Unlock the extensibility of an open, diverse toolchain while keeping the ease and coordination of an all-in-one. Grow without growing pains Jira has the flexibility to...