jira.create_issues(): 批量创建问题jira.assign_issue(): 分配问题jira.transitions(): 获取问题的工作流jira.transition_issue(): 转换问题示例如下:# 创建问题issue_dict = { 'project': {'id': 123}, 'summary': 'New issue from jira-python', 'description': 'Look into this one', 'issuetype':...
读取Excel的值 然后遍历create issue privatestaticfinalString BASE_URL = "http://jira.test.com/rest/api/2/issue";privatestaticString basic_auth = "Basic ";privatestaticCloseableHttpClient httpclient =null;publicstaticvoidmain(String[] args) { String username= "wadexu"; String password= "xxxxx"; ...
issue(issueId) else: return 'Please input your issueId' def createIssue(self, description, assignee, project, parent, filepath): issue_dict = { 'project': {'key': project}, 'issuetype': {'name': 'Sub-Task'}, 'parent': {'key': parent}, 'summary': '[xxx]Auto sync file %s ...
Select “Create” in the top navigation. Your issue will appear in the backlog or board of the project. Step 5 - Connect your tools You and your teams can spend less time managing work and more time building great software with over 3,000Jira appsthat can be custom-tailored to fit any...
product & issue tracking Software Development plan & track it projects IT Made for complex projects or everyday tasks ⚡ Plan and organize tasks From short projects, to large cross-functional programs, Jira helps break big ideas down into achievable steps. Organize work, create milestones, map ...
从board页面,点击页面最上方的[create]按钮,来创建issue。 create issue popover 录入issue的必要信息,这时候estimation值一般是没有的,留待IPM中填充。 等准备好所有issues之后,backlog显示如下: Backlog page 开启IPM(Iteration plan meeting) 在会议上,通过开发人员一起确认各个issue的估点,并且“创建”Sprint,根据...
(self, issue_id: str): 50 """ 51 :param issue_id: 'NET-15' 52 :return: issue 53 """ 54 if issue_id: 55 return self.client.issue(issue_id) 56 else: 57 return None 58 59 def create_issue( 60 self, description: str, assignee: str, summary: str, issuetype: str = 'Sub-...
59def create_issue(60 self, description: str, assignee: str, summary: str, issuetype: str = 'Sub-task', component: str = 'Devops',61 self_watch: bool = True, attachment: str = '', labels: str = None 62 ):63 64"""65 :param description:66 :param assignee:67 ...
在做Scrum Master过程中经常遇到有同学不清楚Jira中的Story; Technical story; Task; Sub-task有什么差别; 也整不明白究竟什么类型的问题应该建Bug,毕竟,Nobody 喜欢自己名下挂Bug。那这几个事务类型的定义和差别是什么呢? 具体来说主要是以下差别。Story :A story is something that brings value ...
You can only create subtasks if your administrator has enabled subtasks, and has added the subtask issue type to the project's issue type scheme. Navigate to the issue you would like to be the parent issue of the subtask you are about to create. ...