Ready to discover how to build your new hierarchy? Let's dive in! Understanding the limitations of Jira's default hierarchy Jira's default hierarchy supports an epic > story > sub-task issue type hierarchy. But there's a drawback to this. Unlike stories, tasks, bugs, and other base-laye...
Sub-Tasks– Subtasks break down a deliverable like a Story into tasks. Sub-tasks should not have points. (Jira does not expect this and the points in your standard Jira reports will be over-stated if your project is configured to allow sub-tasks to have points and people use that field)...
一、史诗和故事工作流/scrum epic&story 1、对应的问题类型:Epic&故事 2、工作流如下: 二、敏捷开发任务工作流/scrum task 1、对应的问题类型:项目开发任务&子任务 2、工作流如下: 三、需求/UI/系统设计变更工作流/scrum alter-demand1.0.0 1、对应的问题类型:alter-demand(需求变更、UI变更、系统设计变更皆...
Jira 中 Task 和 Story 是平级的吧,Story 的下一级应该是 Sub-Task 唐宋传奇 2020-08-20 23:10:26 源自:3-2 使用Jira创建Sprint、用户故事和任务 4078 分享 收起 1回答 清风 2020-08-21 06:46:45 两种流派吧,一种是认为story 和任务平级,story 管理用户需求,任务管理开发内部事物。另一种方式认为...
- Sub-Task 子任务(Sub-Task之外,所有的Issue类型都可以创建Sub-Task) 以上所有子任务完成之后,这个Story才能算完成。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. filed字段 一个Story会有属性:名称、详细描述、提交人、提交时间、优先级、状态等等。这些属性就是Field字段。而所谓的Story,也是Type属性为“Story”的...
Not getting any feedback there (maybe due to missing assignee/owner of that issue) is frustrating. I (and many others) would really appreciate it, if you could comment on that linked issue and subtask it into this one (why should "convert to subtask" not work here?). ...
Basically, this rule will help you in summing up the story points from Sub-task(child) to Story(Parent) to Epic(Top level issue-hierarchy). In simple terms, whenever you update the story points in the sub-task, they get updated in their Story(Parent...
$Text = ‘user@example.com:api_token_string’ $Bytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($Text) $EncodedText = [Convert]::ToBase64String($Bytes) $EncodedText プロジェクト・キー - プロジェクト・チケットのプロジェクト・キーが作成されます。 チケットID - Jiraシステム...
Back in the JIRA project, I have created a sub-task for a story which will be used during the Git commit. Also, note that the Jira Key isDEM-4. Jira Configuration in Gitlab In the previous section, we saw how to add Git repository details to the Jira server. In this section, we...