读取Excel的值 然后遍历create issue privatestaticfinalString BASE_URL = "http://jira.test.com/rest/api/2/issue";privatestaticString basic_auth = "Basic ";privatestaticCloseableHttpClient httpclient =null;publicstaticvoidmain(String[] args) { String username= "wadexu"; String password= "xxxxx"; ...
如何⽤JIRARESTAPI创建Issue 简介 最近需要把⼀个Excel⾥的issues list全部到JIRA上create ⼀遍,总不能⼿动创建百⼗来个issues吧,本⽂讲述⼀下如果调⽤JIRA提供的Rest API 来⾃动创建issues.下⾯是官⽹的⼀个例⼦,⽤curl 来创建的。Request curl -D- -u fred:fred -X POST --data...
Jira api调用 创建issue https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/rest/v2/#api-rest-api-2-issue-post 项目实例: https://bitbucket.org/atlassian/atlassian-connect-spring-boot/src/master/README.md Basic 验证方式: https://developer.atlassian.com/server/jira/platform/basic-authentication ...
For example, when a request arrives that has the request type ‘Bug', you can automatically create a linked Jira issue for your developers. Or consider when a request moves to a certain status in a Jira Service Management workflow, a Jira issue can be created for your dev...
def createIssue(self, description, assignee, project, parent, filepath): issue_dict = { 'project': {'key': project}, 'issuetype': {'name': 'Sub-Task'}, 'parent': {'key': parent}, 'summary': '[xxx]Auto sync file %s from storage-cnn to storage'%(filepath), 'description': des...
Can I create a new issue using the API, where I can assign the issue key value? For example; My Project ID is "DEMO" I want to create an issue in this project and assign it a key of "DEMO-123". This is the only issue in this project. The interesting ...
path.join(cnnStoragePath,filepath) description = '[Files to sync]\n' + cnnStoragePath print "cnnStoragePath: " + cnnStoragePath print "description: " + description print "assignee: " + assignee issue = jiraTool.createIssue(description, assignee, project, parent,filepath) issueKey = issue....
下面是官网的一个例子,用curl 来创建的。Request curl -D- -u fred:fred -X POST --data {see below} -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:8090/rest/api/2/issue/ Data { "fields": { "project":{ "key": "TEST"},"summary": "REST ye merry gentlemen.","...
In the API documentation link for JIRA server platform, the schema for 'Create Issue' API is not in accordance to the example provided. It appears to be the schema for 'Update Issue' API rather than 'Create Issue'. May I know if that schema is correct, if no, where can I get the ...
通过JIRA-REST-API创建一个issue 使用POST /rest/api/2/issue接口 但是duedate这个字段死活设置不上(其他正常) 查阅诸多资料,一无所获,不知道错误出在哪里 上下文环境 JIRA-5 JIRA-REST-API create a new issue via POST 重现 相关代码 查/rest/api/2/field 得到的关于duedate的定义 { "id": "duedate",...