In all of these i got the error (or similar): {"errorMessages":["The value 'PROJECTNAME' does not exist for the field 'project'."],"warningMessages":[]} What is missing from my code to connect to the API and get all issues on my project? (about 4k issues there that i'm tryin...
You can use the REST API in Jira to return all issues, in this case, it would probably be best to use the endpoint GET /rest/api/2/search - Jira Server (for Cloud GET /rest/api/3/search) In this case, you can just make a rest call to this endpoint, if you don't ...
myself()['displayName']#获得当前登陆的用户的Keydef get_current_eid():return jira.myself()['key']#根据jira-key获得开发人员# key 可以是key'JIRA-1451'def get_assignee(self, key):global jiraissue = jira.issue(key)return issue.fields.assignee#获得所有的Jira项目def get_all_project():try:p...
Index issues (or tickets) from Jira cloud Enable your end users to ask questions related to project tracking, support queries, or task execution in Copilot. Find the issue with the mobile app not loading. Look for Jira tasks reported by John to update documentation about API migration. ...
Find all issues in a software project: projectType = ”software” Find all issues in either a software project or a service project: projectType = ”software” OR projectType = ”service_desk” Find all issues that aren’t in a software project: projectType != ”software” ...
Another way to enhance your application or service is to pull in relevant Jira issues into your user interface using Jira REST APIs. Use JQL to pull in all issues from a specific project or tag issues with Entity Properties and pull just those issues back. Use JQL to search for issues of...
I'm trying to connect from Power BI Desktop to JIRA Cloud, in order to get a list of issues of a particular project, but I'm having a big headeache with the API call, as it's not working at all, although I've tried several suggestions from the community. I would like to avoid...
issue_list= jiraClinet.search_issues("project in (LKXD, CSXT, ZQQS, ZLZC) AND issuetype in (线上BUG, 技术优化,需求, 子任务, 任务) AND statusin(待审核, 待测试, 待上线, 测试中,'In Progress', 开发中, 排期中, 暂停) AND 测试人员isnotEMPTY AND 测试开始时间isnotEMPTY AND 上线时间is...
gitlab 更新project的配置: 更新项目的设置 PUT/projects/:id 获取项目的设置: GET/projects/:id JIRA 获取查询语句 ...
sys.exit(1)defget_defect_from_qc(self, qc_num):# print getattr(issue.fields, 'summary')# print getattr(issue.fields, '')ifself.projectisnot'TDETS':print'Project is not TDETS'sys.exit(0) defects = self.jira.search_issues('project={}'.format(self.project), maxResults=5000)fordefect...