Free home delivery & activation Premium call center service The JioPostPaid Plus plans start from Rs. 399 offering 75GB data and 200GB data rollover, Rs. 599 plan offers 100GB data with 200GB data roll over and 1 additional SIM card with family plan, Rs. 799 plans offers 150GB data, 2...
“Additional Data Pack” shall mean additional 10 GB 4G/5G data upon subscribing to Rs.399 Postpaid Plan provided by RJIO on the Eligible Device during the Entitlement Period. “Eligible Devices” shall mean devices as listed under Group-1 of Annexure B activated for the first time on the RJ...
Feature Plus: Jio PostPaid Plus comes with the family plan where you can add up to 3-5 family members at Rs 250 per connection. In all the postpaid plans the telco allows data rollover up to 500 GB, thus you could save any extra unused data for the next month. This connection also c...