WhatsApp not launched it’s video call application but latest jio chat already launched video chatting. But for WindowsPCGuide blog users we provide you simple andeasy steps to enable WhatsApp video callingfeature. You can sync all your contacts with this jio chat messenger. Contents[hide] Down...
Quarantine or not. Whether pandemic or the absence of it. Video calling has become a necessity. So if you are a Jio Phone user, here we will describe the method for the Zoom App download for Jio Phone. In the wake of the pandemic, we are going through unprecedented times. Life has tu...
Since One doesn't have Volte support, I use jio4gvoice for calling purposes. Recently I upgraded to Oreo. First I used Resurrection Remix and then AOSP Extended. When using the app, after the screen turns off, the app goes offline. Without it being online, calls won't be received. To...