Django enables Jinja template auto-escaping by default, a behavior that's actually disabled in the Jinja engine in its out-of-the-box state. The crux of auto-escaping is that, on the one hand it errs on the side of precaution and security -- limiting the possibility to mangle output or...
下面就是混合使用django和jinja2的代码示例: view部分: 1.# Create your views here.2.fromdjango.httpimportHttpResponse3.fromdjango.shortcutsimportrender_to_response4.fromdjango.templateimportRequestContext5.6.deftest(request):7.user='myuser'8.seq=[1,2,3]9.defsum(a,b):10.returna+b11.returnrend...
elif token.token_type == template.TOKEN_COMMENT: return u'' # Django doesn't store the content of comments @register.tag def jinja(parser, token): """ Define a block that gets rendered by Jinja, rather than Django's templates. """ bits = token.contents.split() if len(bits) != 1...
所以对于我们这些使用 Python 和 Django 框架开发网站的人来说,有一个叫做 jinja 的很棒的工具,它...
3)Saltstack自动化运维统一配置管理工具。 4)Git、Jenkins自动化代码上线及自动化测试平台。 5)堡垒...
Jinja is a powerful template engine commonly used in Python web applications to create dynamic web pages. Jinja also supports standalone usage, enabling you to create text files with programmatically filled content, making it versatile beyond web frameworks like Flask and Django....
DjHTML indents mixed HTML/CSS/JavaScript templates that containDjangoorJinjatemplate tags. It works similar to other code-formatting tools such asBlackand interoperates nicely withpre-commit. DjHTML is anindenterand not aformatter: it will only add/remove whitespace at the beginning of lines. It...
DjHTML indents mixed HTML/CSS/JavaScript templates that contain Django or Jinja template tags. It works similar to other code-formatting tools such as Black and interoperates nicely with pre-commit. DjHTML is an indenter and not a formatter: it will only add/remove whitespace at the beginning...
从Django 3.2+开始,Jinja 2有官方的后端支持--我猜你使用的是django-jinja,它提供了url函数的实现...