我有一个包含要传递到模板中的数据的上下文字典。我需要根据一些标志变量来切换两个div,这是我使用{% with %} Django模板标签实现的。但是,当我尝试使用{% set %}语法设置变量时,我得到了以下错误:- set', expected 'endwith'.TEMPLATES = [ 'BACKEND': 'django.template.backends.jinja2.Jinja2', 浏览29...
[添加主机到webservers组中,主机的变量foo的值为42] - name: add host to group 'just_created' with variable foo=42 add_host: name: "{{ ip_from_ec2 }}" groups: just_created foo: 42 [将主机添加到多个组] - name: add host to multiple groups add_host: hostname: "{{ new_ip }}" gr...
代码语言:txt 复制 {% if my_variable|default('') == 'some_value' %} 变量等于 'some_value' {% else %} 变量不等于 'some_value' {% endif %} 在上面的代码中,我们使用了default过滤器来判断变量my_variable是否存在,并设置了一个默认值为空字符串。然后再将变量与目标值进行比较,根据结果输出不...
Like Python’s .upper() string method, Jinja’s upper filter returns the variable in uppercase letters. Visit to see your changes live: Perfect, the menu items are now in uppercase! You implemented the first feature on your request list. Time to tackle the next ...
variable_start_string 变量开始标记符,缺省是 '{{'. variable_start_string 变量结束标记符,缺省是 '{{'. comment_start_string 注释开始标记符,缺省是 '{#'. comment_end_string 注释结束标记符,缺省是 '#}'. 通过修改上面几个标记符参数,可以让我们的模板变成另外一种风格,比如 ...
Note how extends is passed the variable with the template object that was passed to render, instead of a string.HTML Escaping When generating HTML from templates, there’s always a risk that a variable will include characters that affect the resulting HTML. There are two approaches: manually es...
/tmp/test.conf with contents: set just text Downgrading jinja to 2.8-1 produces the expected results. Removing either {% set %} or {% include %} from the set.j2 fixes the error. ACTUAL RESULTS fatal: [hostname]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "AnsibleUndefinedVariable: 'ansi...
such as inside a for loop, macro, or a custom-defined block. They will have the so-calledLocalvariable scope. It is considered to be good practice to stay away from Global variables unless they are truly necessary. However, with local variables, you need to keep track of the scope they...
It can be used like a Name node, with a 'load' ctx and will return the current Context object. Here an example that assigns the current template name to a variable named foo: Assign(Name('foo', ctx='store'), Getattr(ContextReference(), 'name')) This is basically equivalent to ...
(path ="hello.html")]// using the template in this path, relative// to the `templates` dir in the crate rootstructHelloTemplate<'a>{// the name of the struct can be anythingname:&'astr,// the field name should match the variable name// in your template}fnmain(){lethello =Hello...