The first or second transfer law of economic society energies of both Zangxiang and Jingluo changes according to the different PPI (Producer Price Index) inflation rate of economic society whether in the normal range or not. In general, for the PPI inflation rate, the normal range of theory ...
In time of Huangdi Neijing,correspndent method has been devolped into a vector diagram much like the thing of ECG in mordern medicine. Viscera are the origin of the vector cordinates. Zangxiang models are a serial of cordinates to discribe the life vectors. Liuhe-Wuxing-Bagong model is...
AIPNG 彩色手绘人体经络设计 PNG PNG 曲线中医减肥推拿按摩 PNG PNG 太极经络图 PNG PNG 经络图图片 PNG PSDPNG 中医经络养生海报素材 PNG PNG 经络调理艺术字 PNG AIPNG 手绘黑白设计图片 PNG PNG 人体躯干器官 PNG PNG 中医减肥小蛮腰 PNG CDRPNG