Counting OnalumJinger DuggarandJeremy Vuolo’s family is getting bigger. The couple announced on Tuesday, October 15, that Duggar, 30, is pregnant with their third baby. “We’re super excited,” she shared in an interview withPeople, noting that she’s happy to not be pregn...
then take heart. Not everything the19 Kids and Countingfamily does is wrapped in scandal.Peopleshareda recent "behind-the-scenes clip" of TLC'sCounting On, featuring Grandma Duggar's wedding dress tradition. Jim Bob's mom, Grandma Duggar, first gave Michelle her own dress to...
Counting OnalumJinger DuggarandJeremy Vuolo’s family is getting bigger. The couple announced on Tuesday, October 15, that Duggar, 30, is pregnant with their third baby. “We’re super excited,” she shared in an interview withPeople, noting that she’s happy to not be pregnant during the...