The official internet home of poet, writer, screenwriter, speaker, and educator Jimmy Santiago Baca.
s greatest literary triumph. The story of the novel is lead by an old fisherman namedSantiago. He spends most of his life by being a respected‚ skillful fisherman; working the gulf off Havana‚ Cuba.Santiagois described as being "thin and gaunt with deep wrinkles in the back of his ...
A Place At Stand By Jimmy Santiago Baca In A Place to Stand, Jimmy Santiago Baca introduces the readers to his life, providing many details from his past that allow the readers to understand his present. Throughout the novel, Baca finds himself in the midst of violence where ultimately, the...
Santiago is a frail elderly man who is beginning to lose hope in his capability to even catch fish. As written in Huffington Post a hero‚ “is someone who “we” determine to have demonstrated behaviors and decisions that are ethically and emotionally worthy of our awe.” Santiago is not...