这个太搞了,转一个 ~ 相信大家都知道几年前Matt Damon上Jimmy show的时候被戏耍的故事吧 事情的起因:在脱口秀节目的前三季,吉米经常在节目的结尾打趣说"Sorry Matt Damon, we are running out of time(抱歉啊马特·达蒙,节目时间不够了,不能让你出场了)"。有杂志问过吉米为什么要说这话,他说因为他的节目...
Matt Damon and Jimmy Kimmel are still at odds. Last night, the actor and the late-night host were seated next to each other the World Series Game 5 between the Boston Red Sox and Los Angeles Dodgers. The longtime "rivals" wore the same "I'm With Stupid Tee," with the one variant ...
Jimmy Kimmel vs. Matt Damon 呆萌和鸡毛恩怨情仇撕逼史合集 整理在评论区61楼 19.3万播放 · 总弹幕数59692015-10-23 09:45:16 全站排行榜最高第297名 主人,未安装Flash插件,暂时无法观看视频,您可以… 下载Flash插件 309 664 1.0万 1116 稿件投诉 两人撕逼几乎把半个好莱坞脱下了水:-D 另外字幕版和...
「中字」#MattDamon##JimmyKimmel# 之前吉米特别喜欢在节目结尾的时候cue马特达蒙,对马特达蒙造成了巨大的心理阴影。日复一日的等待,终于有一天,马特那个达蒙绑架了吉米,是的没错,他绑架了吉米🐔毛。 - http:...
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Matt Damon on Jimmy Kimmel show 是在优酷播出的搞笑高清视频,于2010-10-13 15:24:07上线。视频内容简介:这是一次由matt domon和jimmy kimmel完美策划的娱乐行动,是好莱坞历史上最华丽的恶搞视频。事件从起因到结尾一共8个视频,此视频为第一个,是整个事件的起始。狂笑吧
Talk Show Episode:Jimmy Kimmel Live —Matt Damon Confronts Jimmy Kimmel After Emmys Loss (0:00–0:58) Background Music:Treat You Better — by Shawn Mendes Catch Phrases: -Play sb. off: 除某人这张牌/让某人对战某人 -Calm down man: 冷静一点伙计 ...
His ex-girlfriendSarah Silvermanpublicly posted a comedic video claiming that she was involved withMatt Damon. Kimmel has periodically joked about his hatred for Damon ever since. Family Life He was married toGina Kimmelfrom June 25, 1988 until June 16, 2003. He then marriedMolly McNearneyin...
英文叫Matt Damon and Jimmy Kimmel Feud。起源还是Jimmy Kimmel每次节目结尾都对着镜头呼吁:节目时间有限,马特对不住了,今儿又上不了了。后来玩成了系列剧,比如马特戴蒙和JimmyKimmel一起到心理医生那儿咨询,以期解开心结。马特戴蒙演的一副委屈小媳妇:他每次都说让我上节目,我等啊等,就是上不了!
"The Departed" actor has been the butt of a long-running joke on "Jimmy Kimmel Live." Kimmel has joked for the past 10 years at the end of his show that he ran out of time and was unable to bring Damon on as a guest. Damon got his revenge Thursday night when he "kidnapped"...