It’s the story of a low level insurance agent sent to Cedar Rapids, Iowa for a major convention where he’s expected to compete for the top prize in the industry: the beloved Two Diamond Award. Ed Helms, who also produced the film, plays Tim Lippe the naive, boob of a salesman who...
declared his candidacy. Gettemy had the backing ofvarious prominent Cedar Rapids area Republicans. Republican National Committeeman Steve Scheffler, who heads the Iowa Christian Alliance, is also said to be close to Gettemy, though Scheffler made no formal endorsement in Iowa’s Republican primaries...
#177 - Calls from Mike in Milwaukee, Mack in Grand Rapids, Casey in Savannah, Miles in Charleston, Ben in Driftwood, Jeff in Omaha, Duke in Boise, Chad in Biloxi, Anthony in Pomona, Vince in the ATX, Bill in Sacramento, Aaron in San Antonio, Erron in Diamondhead, Josh in Iowa, ...