Sams is editor of, the online resource and daily newsletter for property/casualty insurance claims professionals. ClaimsJournal is a member of the Wells Media Group. Sams can be reached at Property Restoration Industry: A Culture in Need of Repair?
There, mingled together in no discernable generational order, were the Dobsons and the Powells along with the Jarretts and the O’Neils. There were long ago dates of babies being born and of the old ones leaving them behind. There were the names of foreign lands and … and … at the ...
Without Christ at the center of our lives we are lost and out of balance. When the excitement of Christmas is over and nothing is left but piles of torn paper, empty boxes and dirty dishes, what, then, will be our hope, our joy? When Christ indwells us, when He is the center of ...
You can never seem to find a unemployed tax lawyer to give you a hand when needed. I have read contracts with less verbiage. Jesus put it so simple “Have faith in God”, “Ask”, “Believe”, and “Receive”. That is the way Jesus’ life was. Simple yet profound. It seems to ...
And even if your mortgage is paid, they will stick you with a windfall tax and jack up your property taxes to the sky. We don’t own real property we are merely stewards. When the next reset occurs, you will witness one of the greatest wealth transfers in the history of mankind–and...