The Dow Jones Industrial Average on May 8, 2020 was 24,197 points or about 1,000 less than in was on the same date in 2019. Today the Dow Jones is over 36,000. In my previous post titled Statistics, I highlight the shortcomings of “Statistics” and clearly there are many. I do...
In addition to his wife of 42 years, survivors include his daughters, Jana and Nancy, and six grandchildren. Read More About: Barbara Walters NBC News Obituaries Today THR Newsletters Sign up for THR news straight to your inbox every day Subscribe Sign Up More from The Hollywood Reporter...
the runes are always accidental survivors and, as each of these things have been left behind in the story, the runes are also associated with the discarded or forgotten. Each time the runes are exchanged from one person to another there is contact: they are, then, transitive and transactional...
“I have not yet begun to fight” – John Paul Jones Prayer, belief in the might of our God, and commitment to the Lordship of Jesus Christ is the only way. This is a silent war waged in the spirit realm. You will not hear the clashing of swords but you will feel the darts of...
They have made eleven films, including Dumb and Dumber, Kingpin, Hall Pass, Me, Myself & Irene, Shallow Hal, Stuck on You, Osmosis Jones, There's Something About Mary, Fever Pitch (also known as The Perfect Catch outside America), the 2007 remake of The Heartbreak Kid, The Three ...
Shirley plays Elizabeth “Curly” Blair, an orphan who charms Edward Morgan (John Boles), one of the rich trustees of the orphanage where she lives; Morgan legally adopts Curly while pretending to be acting on behalf of one “Hiram Jones.” The story was a liberal reworking of Jean Webster...
Heather Rose Jones February 15, 2014@ 10:26 pm I have an interesting conundrum in my current work-in-progress (historic fantasy). There is a minor character who has informed me he’s trans. But because he isn’t a viewpoint character (and I’m using a very tight POV) there isn’t...
(although Geordi’s visor does conceal actor LeVar Burton’s eyes) and it gives the characters an advantage – both Geordie and Miranda Jones are able to sense things that others cannot, although in very different ways and through different means. On other occasions, a disability can be ...
Jonestown, location of the mass murder-suicide of the California-based Peoples Temple cult at the behest of their charismatic but paranoid leader, Jim Jones, in Jonestown agricultural commune, Guyana, on November 18, 1978. The death toll exceeded 900, ma
shooter refused. Instead, he fetched a deadlier weapon—an assault rifle—took it into his neighbor’s house, and slaughtered five people, including a nine-year-old boy. The police found a few survivors—children shielded beneath the bodies of their mothers—uninjured, but covered with maternal...