I haven’t seen Landman yet but this is an all-time speech by Jerry Jones. Probably because he’s not acting. That’shis real life. “It’s amazing to me howmuch waste is consuming our daily work. It seems like 30% of everybody’s job is fixing something—either the bad quality or...
His character and look is loosely based on Harrison Ford's roles as Indiana Jones and Han Solo. Jim Hopper and Mike Wheeler are the only characters to appear in all episodes of season 1, season 2, and season 3. Hopper enjoys the holiday movie, It's A Wonderful Life.[10] The Season ...
On the down side, unemployment was about 13% and GDP for 2020 was -2.77%. The Dow Jones Industrial Average on May 8, 2020 was 24,197 points or about 1,000 less than in was on the same date in 2019. Today the Dow Jones is over 36,000. In my previous post titled Statistics, I...
Davy Jones (not the one of locker fame) was indeed, along with Peter Tork, Micky Dolenz, and Michael Nesmith, a MONKEE. This constructed-for-TV group was one of the best-selling bands of the 1960s, even though everyone knew the actors didn't actually play on the recordings. Here's ...
Jason Jones (USMC), founder of Oakbourne, was working in a large organization and relates, “One particular moment made me realize that I needed to make a change sooner rather than later: I was working 120+ hours per week, so my boss decided to give me 3 junior associates to help me...
1M.R.James, ‘Casting the Runes’,Collected Ghost Stories, edited by Darryl Jones (Oxford: Oxford Worlds Classics, 2011), pp. 145-164 (p. 158). [back] 2Susan Zieger,The Mediated Mind: Affect, Ephemera, and Consumerism(NY: Fordham University Press, 2018), p. 3. [back] ...
Steve is saying that the knowledge of thebackdoorhad to have come from Apple (assuming they implemented the backdoor, which again is the only logical conclusion). Whether knowledge of the backdoor was a leak, or intentional, is unknown. ...
Then there are well-known cases like General Electric's. Jack Welch was kind of a surprise when he was chosen. Surprise or not, his predecessor Greg Jones had made a lot of effort in testing different people before Welch was chosen; and while the process may have been somewhat transparent...
Michael M. Jones February 28, 2014@ 5:00 pm Another lovely and thought-provoking article. I think the real stumbling block where non-binary and agender characters are concerned is that it’s a very hard concept for most of us to truly grasp, and it’s also a topic which hasn’t reall...
I wanted to write a book in the style of Craig Shaw Gardner or Lionel Fenn that had a green woman that the protagonist caught bathing who turned out to be nothing like the submissive archetype. Robert Asprin did that a little bit for me with Tawanda, and Diana Wynne Jones probably mention...