IT should be an unbeatable combination - rubberface Jim Carrey teaming up with his Dumb and Dumber pals for a sunny story of a schizophrenic Dr Jekyll who snaps and lets his Mr Hyde off the leash.Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)
Jim Carrey reteams with 'Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind's Michel Gondry in Showtime's 'Kidding.'Erica Parise/SHOWTIME Critical and popular favorites come back on the scene (The Deuce!The Good Place!American Horror Story!); buzzy new series show off some famous faces (Jim Carrey! Li...
192: JIM DROPS THE MASK; Madcap Carrey Owes It All to a Crazy CatRUBBER-FACE Jim Carrey has revealed his comic inspiration - his pet cat.Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)