A linear-format, injected-beam, 150-MHz, low-power (~100 W), moderate-gain (7 dB), meander-line crossed-field amplifier (CFA) designed and tested at ... PDF Dynamic Phase-Control of a Rising Sun Magnetron Using Modulated and Continuous Current (Sulmer Fernandez-Gutierrez, Jim Browning,...
Jim Sinkinson--editor, publisher, copywriter (emeritus), conference director, and indefatigable volunteer.(Publisher Profile)Goss, Fred
Press Conference]]>Kawakami, Tim
In addition to the abilities of the other heroes (jumping and eventually double jumping, and dashing) he can charge up his rifle with energy; depending on how long he does this, he can clear the screen of failocs by firing a massive red energy beam. He can call upon Grunty the murloc...
现任日本国家材料研究所(National Institute for Materials Science)环境友好材料研究中心,主席研究员,光催化研究室主任。叶金花教授是结晶学、材料物理及材料化学领域的著名科学家,在形状记忆合金,超导 材料及物理等诸领域有深厚的造诣。特别是在光催化领域中带领她的研究室在光催化材料的设计,制备、表征、以及在太阳能...
AS THE CROWE FLIES.(Level 3 CEO Jim Crowe speaks at technology conference)(Brief Article)WOELFLEIN, MIKE
Big Ten seeks a biggie; Commissioner Jim Delany wants to see a dominant conference team emerge this season.(SPORTS)Brackin, Dennis
Gaskin fears over procuration fees. (News: G80 Conference).(Jim Gaskin of Burns-Anderson Group PLC critical of mortgage brokers fees)(Brief Article)Gallagher, Rosemary
Jim Ryan paying for death penalty trip Taps state funds to send prosecutors to Vegas conferenceNicole Ziegler Dizon