网络释义 1. 酿酒集团 ...The Edrington Group)、美国金宾酿酒集团(Jim Beam Brands)、法国人头马君度集团(Rémy Cointreau)与瑞典国营V&S集团 …|基于2个网页
Jim Beam Brands. (office design for Jim Beam Brands Co.)Miller, JonGeran, Monica
而Beam公司有着与之惊人相同的价值观和企业精神,这也是其屹立200多年而不倒的原因所在。现在,这一精神又继续引领着Beam Suntory成为高端烈性酒的全球领导者。 作为世界第三大高档烈性酒公司,Beam Suntory(占边三得利)以“酿制出轰动世界的烈性酒品牌(Crafting the Spirits Brands that Stir the World)”为己任,...
Jim Beam Brands Worldwide, Inc. is a holding company for the distilled spirits and wine operations of Fortune Brands Inc., accounting for some 20 percent of Fortune's annual sales. Jim Beam Brands manufactures and markets nearly 80 brands of distilled spirits and fine wines in 160 countries a...
本案例默认翻译为中文,点击可切换回原语言 吉姆·梁品牌Vox伏特加: Vox伏特加 暂无简介 基本信息 创作者 案例详情 基本信息 广告品牌:Jim Beam Brands. 发布日期:2002-06 行业领域:其他 媒体类别:图文 广告语言:英语 媒介平台:网络 综合评分 0 暂无评分 ...
求翻译:JIM BEAM is a registered trademark of JIM Beam Brands CO. and is usedunder authorized license to ZIPPO Manufacturing company.All rights reserved worldwide.Intended for adults of legal purchase age for alcoholic beverages.See reverse of card for product information.181510-F是什么意思? 待解决...
Beam Suntory also produces leading brands such as Courvoisier® cognac, Tres Generaciones®, El Tesoro® and Hornitos® tequila, Roku™ and Sipsmith® gin, Canadian Club® whisky, and is a world leader in ready-to-drink cocktails, with brands like -196 and On Th...
Liquor Briefs: El Dorado Amber Ale is the new U.S. beer ale from Guinness. LaCrosse, Wisc.-based City Brewing Company LLC has begun production at Irwindale Brew Yard in Irwindale, California. The James B. Beam Distilling unveils the Fred B. Noe Distiller
Both brands are produced by parent company Beam Suntory,but they are distilled and matured at entirely different facilities. As far as we can tell, production lines are completely independent for Maker’s Mark. Beam Suntory owns three production sites in Kentucky: the Booker Noe plant in Boston...
The Jim Beam name is famous around the world and some people would say it's the most famous of bourbon brands. Bourbon originated in Bourbon County and was named by Jacob Beam. It has been distilled by seven generations of the Beam family and for more than 200 years the original recipe ...