Explore Jim Beam with our Bourbon Distillery Tours! Discover the crafting process, enjoy tastings, and learn about our heritage. Book your Tour today!
Discover Jim Beam® bourbons and whiskeys. Made for more than 200 years using a secret family recipe. Jim Beam®, the world’s #1 Kentucky bourbon and an American tradition.
Jim Beam Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey 度数:40%vol 容量:750ml 产区:美国(USA) 品鉴记录 观色: 温暖琥珀色 香气: 浓厚的饴糖芳香 口感:中等酒体,带丝质顺滑口感 余味:余味悠长,烟熏胡桃香气伴随着清香肉桂微辣感。 饮用方法 占边波本威士忌之所以广受欢迎,除了厚醇的风味,多样性的饮用方法也是主因,它可以...
美国USA>肯塔基州 Kentucky 风味特征: 焦糖 香草 橡木 香料 烟熏 酒款年份: NV年 国内市场参考价: ¥936 酒款综述OVERVIEW 关于“占边保税肯塔基纯波本威士忌(Jim Beam Bonded Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey, Kentucky, USA) ”的酒款综述 这是一款产自美国肯塔基州产区的纯波本威士忌。这款酒散发着焦糖、香...
Shop Jim Beam Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey - 750ml Bottle at Target. Choose from Same Day Delivery, Drive Up or Order Pickup. Free standard shipping with $35 orders.
美国USA>肯塔基州 Kentucky 风味特征: 香草 焦糖 香料 橡木 烟熏 酒款年份: NV年 国内市场参考价: ¥70 酒款综述OVERVIEW 关于“占边肯塔基纯波本威士忌(Jim Beam Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey, Kentucky, USA) ”的酒款综述 这是一款产自美国肯塔基州产区的纯波本威士忌。这款酒散发着香草、橡木和香料的香...
Jim Beam Black Extra Aged 8 Years Old Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey 度数:43%vol 容量:700ml 产区:美国(USA) 复杂精致 黑占边威士忌的醇化时间为8年,标准酒精度为43%vol。它同样也是鸡尾酒常用配料酒。长达八年的熟成使得他比白占边威士忌更加复杂精致。
Spice up barbecue season with Jim Beam, the world’s number one bourbon-Bringing a flavour of the South to the UK summer 23.5.2013In Kentucky – home to 90% of the world’s bourbon, including number one Jim Beam – barbecues are a key part of the traditional Southern cuisine. The natur...
Officials say when it comes to bourbon spills in Kentucky, that they know the drill. "We've had several occur in this state, so when this one occurred, we were just ready for it and knew what the actions were to take," said Francis. ...
Bourbon is one of the most famous whisky drinks in America. It has been refined over the last 200 years and people would say its native spirit brought there by Scottish/Irish settlers