law, two years gets you Straight Bourbon Whiskey. But four years gets you the smooth, mellow flavor of Jim Beam. SO THERE YOU HAVE IT, OUR BOURBON PROCESS IN A NUTSHELL - OR MORE LIKELY A BARREL. More to Explore A BOURBON FOR EVERY TASTE Browse through our products and see what ...
Learn what separates bourbon from the rest. Learn More Bourbon making Process Get a crash course on how bourbon is made. Our Process Join Team Beam Sign up now to get exclusive access to product launches, updates on events, and delicious new cocktail recipes directly in your inbox. Email...
占边波本威士忌盲品大比拼 Jim Beam Bourbon Whiskey Blind Flight Fight-波本之夜 -威士忌123 4866 2 14:02 App 参观全球销量第一的肯塔基波本威士忌“占边”(Jim Beam)酒厂 539 1 16:31 App Jim Beam Lineage aged 15 years with 55.5% ABV_占边lineage15年(55.5%) 5153 8 4:45 App 首次品尝金宾黑麦波本...
JIM BEAM(占边波本)威士忌始于1795年,美国生产,其商品以威士忌波本酒为主。美国金宾波本公司创立于1795年,拥有长达两百多年的功史,迄今已在Beam家族中传承了7代人,酿造手法不断精进,创造出独特的强烈口感。品鉴笔记:色泽:温暖琥珀色。酒体:中等酒体带丝质顺滑口感。香味:浓厚的饴糖芳香。口感:饱满、丰厚、醇厚。尾...
Jim Beam: Bourbon Jim Beam: Bourbon Edit It looks like we don't have any taglines for this title yet.Be the first to contribute. Learn more Contribute to this page Suggest an edit or add missing content IMDb Answers: Help fill gaps in our data...
Jim Beam White A classic recipe which hasn’t changed for 80 years, since the distillery was re-established post-prohibition Old Fashioned Cocktails-Ingredients 2 parts Jim Beam® Bourbon 2 dashes aromatic bitters 1 cherry stem pulled off ...
Discover Jim Beam® Bourbon. Made for over 200 years using a secret family recipe. The world’s #1 Kentucky bourbon and an American tradition.
Jim Beam Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey 度数:40%vol 容量:750ml 产区:美国(USA) 品鉴记录 观色: 温暖琥珀色 香气: 浓厚的饴糖芳香 口感:中等酒体,带丝质顺滑口感 余味:余味悠长,烟熏胡桃香气伴随着清香肉桂微辣感。 饮用方法 占边波本威士忌之所以广受欢迎,除了厚醇的风味,多样性的饮用方法也是主因,它可以...
Discover Jim Beam® Bourbon. Made for over 200 years using a secret family recipe. The world’s #1 Kentucky bourbon and an American tradition.
Discover Jim Beam® Bourbon. Made for over 200 years using a secret family recipe. The world’s #1 Kentucky bourbon and an American tradition.